Community Announcements
A City by Choice kickoff meeting
January 11, 7-9 pm in the Bethany Community Room, 15220 NW Laidlaw Road, Suite 200, Bethany Village, (above Huntington Learning Center). If you’re curious about the effort to incorporate a new city in our area, or want to help with the effort to get 1000 signatures, join the group for their monthly meeting. More info at
Legislative Town Hall
State Senator Suzanne Bonamici and State Representatives Mitch Greenlick and Chris Harker will be available to discuss the upcoming three-week legislative session and other topics on Thursday, January 28th, at Cedar Mill Library from 6 – 7 p.m. Have questions about what the legislature is doing? Here’s you chance to have a face-to-face discussion.
Search for Peace Call for Artists and Film Makers
The Search For Peace Film Festival and Art Exhibit is soliciting artwork and film entries about peace and nonviolence from the public for the Film Festival, March 5-7 at St. Pius X Community Center, 1280 NW Saltzman. Contest entry and attendance is free and open to the public. Entry Forms and more information are available at or call 503 646-5449. Video entries are accepted until January 31, 2010.
January Series Schedule at Oak Hills Church
A challenging series of lectures on topics from international politics to personal morality will be presented as a live video feed from Calvin College at the Oak Hills Church during January. The series is free and will be aired on weekdays from January 6-26 at 9:30 am. Doors will open at 9:00 each morning. Child care and refreshments will be provided. The full schedule is available on the college website:
Friday, January 8: Harvey Carey—Against All Odds
Monday, January 11: K. A. (Tony) Namkung—The Theology Behind Smart Diplomacy with North Korea
Tuesday, January 12: Burl Cain—Moral Rehabilitation in an Immoral Environment
Wednesday, January 13: James K.A. Smith—Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation
Thursday, January 14: Syada Greiss—Journey To Empowerment: Stories from the Streets of Cairo
Friday, January 15: Jimmy Wales—Democracy and the Internet
Monday, January 18: Soong Chan Rah (in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)—The Next Evangelicalism & the Changing Face of American Christians
Tuesday, January 19: Immaculee Ilibagiza—Left to Tell: A Story of Forgiveness in Rwanda
Wednesday, January 20: Richard De Vos, Sr.—Ten Phrases
Thursday, January 21: Max McLean—From Screwtape to the Gospels: A Life of Faith in the Theatre
Friday, January 22: George Ayittey—African Solutions for African Problems
Monday, January 25: Kimberly Dozier—Breathing the Fire: Reflections of a Foreign News Correspondent
Tuesday, January 26: Archbishop Elias Chacour—Unity Within Diversity: Myth or Reality?