Volume 8, Issue 1 | January 2010 |
CMBA Member News
Rave in the Nave for January
Mark your calendar for the February 20th performance of Jane Fellows. Acclaimed actress Jane Fellows performs her one-woman show about poet Emily Dickinson, Belle of Amherst. This show has sold out to unanimous rave reviews for two seasons running at Mr. Hood Repertory Theater. Tickets are $15 and are available through the Church office – 503-646-1598 or office@cumcpdx.org. CUMC Preschool begins fall registrationChrist United Methodist Preschool in January will begin taking registration for classes for the 2010/2011 school year that begins in September 2010. The preschool began 46 years ago as a kindergarten, and became a preschool after Oregon public school offered kindergarten. To see what is happening check out the CUMC Preschool page on the church’s website: www.cumcpdx.org or contact the school at 503-646-2265 or the church office at 503-646-1598, office@cumcpdx.org. Blood Drive at CUMCThe church will also be hosting a Red Cross Blood drive on February 2, from 2-7 pm. Please don’t be shy, come and donate! If folks want to sign up for a specific time they can call or come by the church office 503-646-1598, 9:30 am to 5 pm, M-F. World of Smiles offers toothbrushesSonic Care just designed a brand new kids toothbrush. If you purchase one at World of Smiles Pediatric Dentistry we will give you a $15 certificate off and we will always carry them for less than what you pay in the store!! This new and improved brush moves in a kid friendly way; with the two different size kids’ heads to help the toothbrush fit just right for their mouths. The less aggressive vibrations and a fun design means your child will brush in style and remove more build-up. These tooth brushes are wonderful but if your child is under the age of eight we still strongly suggest parent assistance. Get them the gift that will truly keep on giving all year around and help provide a better report card from your dentist. All children have the right to grow up healthy, happy and free of cavities! Local Business Owner in TV SeriesInvestigation Discovery Channel’s series “I Almost Got Away With It” begins Jan. 12 at 10 pm. Episode 3, “Jerry Bowen,” stars Jim Craig of Westside Martial Arts, and airs Jan. 26. Pat Brady, a second degree blackbelt at Westside Martial Arts, is also in this episode. Jim Craig plays Jerry Bowen, a business owner from rural Alabama accused of killing his ex-wife. Bowen jumped bail, burned off his fingerprints, and was on the run for four years. Tune in and find out—is he really guilty? The Village Gallery of Arts
The January group show features watercolor artist, Sandra Wood. Sandra’s watercolors are not timid but pop out with her technique using vivid color saturation. One of Sandra’s paintings took “Best of Show” at the VGA October Awards Show. The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am until 4 pm and Sunday from noon until 4 pm. We are closed on Mondays. We are located next to the Cedar Mill Library at 12505 NW Cornell Rd. You may call (503) 644-8001 or stop by to register for classes. Visit the website at villagegalleryarts.org for class info and schedules. St. Pius X School announces annual Auction
St Pius X School is proud to announce our 31st annual auction – “Our Schoolhouse Rocks!” There will be two events associated with the auction: a LIVE event on Saturday, February 6 at the St. Pius X Community Center and an ONLINE event kicking off on February 7 and running until February 19. To access our online event, go to www.stpiusxcatholicschool.cmarket.com St. Pius X School is a not-for-profit school located in Cedar Mill. We provide an outstanding education for nearly 300 students, from Kindergarten through 8th grade. The annual auction is our largest fundraiser. Every contribution provides critical funding for music, science, art, technology, tuition assistance, and facility enhancements. St Pius X does not receive any tax dollars and must depend on the auction to bridge the gap between tuition and the total cost of educating a child. We are currently accepting advertising placements for the Live Event catalog. Additionally, we are offering to place a logo as a ‘live link’ on our Online Auction homepage. Finally, any item donated, big or small, contributes to the overall success of the auction. All donors will be listed in the auction catalogs (online and print versions). Please contact the auction team at St. Pius X School at auction@stpiusx-pdx.org if you are interested in contributing to the success of the auction. CMBA member Lee Davies Real Estate is a presenting sponsor for this event. 25+ Families Helped Each WeekOur goal is to offer a “cup of cold water in Jesus name” to refresh and encourage those in need. Helping Hands, a ministry of Sunset Presbyterian Church, serves those in need of emergency food and free used clothing. The emergency food pantry is stocked to serve 25+ families per week, providing a 3-5 day supply. The Clothing Closet selections vary from week to week as all items are donated by families and friends of Sunset Presbyterian. Helping Hands Community Center is located in the modular building on the west side of the church campus, south of the ARCO station. Open hours are Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to noon, and Thursday afternoons from 4-7 pm. Food Drives are held quarterly with a reminder banner posted on Cornell Road (in front of the church). Donations of food and clothing are received anytime the church office is open and on Sunday during worship times 9 & 11 am and 5:30 p.m. Receipts for donations are available from the church office or the Helping Hands Community Center. Urgent Care for kids signs upPediatric Urgent Care now has signs on the building to guide parents of sick children to the only pediatric-only Urgent Care in the Portland metro area that is open 365 days a year. Hours are Monday to Friday 7 - 10 pm and weekends and Holidays 1 - 9 pm. Staffed by board certified Pediatricians in a kid friendly office setting. Pediatric Urgent Care is located at 11790 SW Barnes Rd, Suite 140. Call (503) 597-KIDS for more information. Local distressed properties near 20%
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