Volume 9, Issue 1 | January 2011 |
Community Announcements
Legislative Town HallJoin State Representatives Mitch Greenlick and Chris Harker and State Senator Suzanne Bonamici at the Cedar Mill Library on Saturday, January 8th, at 10:30 a.m. for a Town Hall Meeting. They'll give you an update on Oregon's budget situation and a preview of our 2011 Legislative Agenda and also answer your questions. The Cedar Mill Library is located at 12505 NW Cornell Rd. Bluffs Park invasives work session this SundaySunday, January 9, 1-4 pm Join your neighbors and friends to help restore the trail and woods leading from South Drive to Bonny Slope School. We fought hard to get this little piece of native forest, now we need help to clear invasive blackberries, ivy and other non-native species from the area so the existing native plants grow. Meet up at the end of South Drive by the trail. If you can, bring shovels, loppers, heavy work gloves and a water bottle and dress for the weather. Refreshments and a water cooler will be provided (like we'll need to cool down!). Hard-to-recycle plastic collectionGirl Scout Troop 49876 members and their leaders have volunteered to collect plastic containers every month at the First Saturday Leedy Grange Flea Market. Leader Dona Bowlsby explains, "We can recycle any clean plastic that has a triangle with a number 1-7, and all plastic bottles, including those that require a deposit. I know that some people just put all returnable bottles/cans at the curb, but we can certainly take these, too." Just bring your clean items to the Grange Hall kitchen area during the Flea Market hours—10 am-4 pm. They will sort the items and take suitable materials to Far West Fibers in Hillsboro. Proceeds from containers with refundable deposits will be used for Troop activities. The next Flea Market will be February 5. Tree planting project at Cedar Mill WetlandSaturday, January 22,
Volunteers will help harvest and install native dogwood and spirea cuttings and bare root shrubs at the Cedar Mill Wetland Preserve. Please meet in the Farmers Insurance parking lot at 12020 SW Barnes Road. Gloves, tools and water will be provided by the Wetlands Conservancy. If you have knee-high water boots or hip-waders, please bring them to help with plantings in some harder-to-reach locations. Families with children seven or older are strongly encouraged to attend. You'll be planting some trees but also some wonderful memories and have tons of fun. Parents need to be aware there is open water in the area and keep a close eye on those kiddos. Use your judgment. Questions? Please contact Jennifer Wilson at 503.957.6980 or jennifers@wetlandsconservancy.org. Please RSVP to Erik Mace at 503-662-2350 or ebm@WashCoTreeGroup.org “Deep Green” movie screening
The free showing is from 7-9 pm at the Cedar Hills United Church of Christ sanctuary, 11695 SW Parkway, (located on the corner of SW Cedar Hills Blvd and Parkway) and everyone's invited. Parking is available at the church parking lot located on SW Cedar Hills Blvd. Questions can be addressed to Cheryll Miller, CHUCC office administrator at 503-644-3838, office@chucc.org The movie, produced by Oregonian Matt Briggs, selects and shows world-wide projects and practices that conserve energy as well as suggesting solutions that individuals can implement locally. Matt Briggs will be at the showing to talk about the film, answer questions and offer resources including DVD copies of the film for sale. The presentation also includes 11 animated short films from the award-winning Bent Image Lab in Portland, including "The Krill is Gone"—voiced by SpongeBob legend Tom Kenny and his wife, Jill Talley. "Deep Green" and "The Krill is Gone" recently received the Best Environmental Preservation Award for Feature Film and Short Subject by the Archivist Film Festival, plus the popular short took first place at the Blue Ocean Film Festival Award for Children's Programming. Garden Club is buzzing"Bees, Bees, Bees" will be the topic presented by Beth Rose on Wednesday, January 19th at the Cedar Mill Garden Club meeting to be held at a new time of 11:30 a.m. with the program beginning shortly before 1:00 p.m. The group meets at the Beaverton Community Room, 12359 S.W. 5th across from the Beaverton City Library and is free to the public. For additional information about our programs, community service projects including a scolarship, and contributions to botanical gardens, see our website at www.thecedarmillgardenclub.org or contact the Club President, Barb Cushman at 503-649-7741. Thought-provoking "January Series" returns to Oak Hills ChurchFor over two decades, Calvin College, a midsized liberal arts college in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has been producing the award-winning January Series, a set of 15 talks presented by speakers from a variety of national and international points of view. Speakers in the past have included Salman Rushdie and Garrison Keillor. This year's speakers include the record-setting baseball player Cal Ripken Jr. discussing perseverance; Dr Temple Grandin, the autistic animal behavior professor who designed humane cattle handling systems for the meat industry and was recognized as one of 25 "Heroes" by Time Magazine; and Theary Seng, a victim of the Cambodia Killing Fields, sharing her journey from a jungle prison to graduation from Georgetown University and the University of Michigan law school. The goal of the January Series is not to instruct the audiences in what to think, but how to think! The speeches are telecast live on 15 days from January 5-25, 9:30-10:30 am at the Oak Hills Community Church. Admission is free and refreshments are served. Remote audience attendees can send questions directly to the speaker via an on-site Internet station. The church nursery is available by request. Local business owner and Oak Hills resident Sam Bosch and his wife Corinne brought the series to our area, which is the only Oregon location for the live telecast. After finding out about the possibility of the remote showings, they approached the Oak Hills Church, which gladly took on the project. One of Bosch's employees at Peregrin Financial Technologies helps with the technical aspects of the showing, which involves a projection screen and several internet connections. The Oak Hills Community Church is located at 2800 NW 153rd Ave in Beaverton, just north of where Sunset Highway crosses Cornell. For more details and a schedule, visit http://www.calvin.edu/january/2011
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