January 2013 Business News
compiled by Haley Tilt
Welcome Bales’ new manager
Troy Wolfe is moving from the Farmington store to take the helm at the Cedar Mill Bales’ Thriftway. Al Best (father of our Doug & Dave) has taken over at Farmington.
“We are the community’s independent grocery store,” he notes, “and my mission is to focus on community service, and to make this the best store in the area. I’m a hands-on manager, and I welcome everyone to come and say hi and let me know how we can help you.”
Wolfe is a big fan of local food. He’s been visiting farmer’s markets to establish relationships with small, local specialty producers and bring their items to the store.
The new Candy Shoppe, in the space next to the Post Office, is almost complete. Selections include some nostalgic candy brands, along with your favorite bars and bags of sweet stuff.
Greener holiday cleanup
With all those holiday gifts comes a lot of waste. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day alone, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that an extra million tons of waste are generated nationwide each week.
“After the holidays, houses are littered with piles of crumpled wrapping paper, holiday cards, pine needles and boxes of packaging peanuts,” said Tim Kimble, The UPS Store® franchise owner. “An easy way for individuals to do their part in keeping their community clean is by recycling.”
Tim offers the following tips to make your holidays a little greener:
Recycle packaging peanuts and bubble wrap. Our The UPS Store location accepts clean foam packaging peanuts of all sizes, shapes and colors and bubble wrap for reuse. For additional information on peanut recycling, consumers can visit www.loosefillpackaging.com.
Recycle greeting cards. Save cards and cut them up to use as gift tags next year. They also make a great resource for children’s art projects, or you can research organizations in your area that could use your collection of used greeting cards.
The UPS Store located at 10940 SW Barnes Rd. is open Monday to Friday 9 am to 7 pm and Saturday 9 am to 5 pm. For more information, please visit www.theupsstorelocal.com/3379.
The Beloved and Belated Holiday Card
How late is too late to send a holiday greeting card? Greeting card entrepenuer Lori Bitter says it is never too late: “Traditionally, I keep a bowl on the kitchen table to store our cards that arrive throughout the holiday. I enjoy watching my out-of-town adult children spending time to read every card from that bowl. People value relationships and love the connection to old family friends.”
There are some great solutions for late holiday greeting card senders, including New Year’s or Calendar greeting cards. SendOutCards is an online greeting card company that sends a real card in the mail for you. Send a belated Christmas card, a New Year’s card, a Calendar Card, or really mix things up this year and send out Valentine’s Day cards. Whatever your plan, SendOutCards can make it simple. For a free sample of the SendOutCards service, go to CardsbyLoriBitter.com or call Lori at 503-524-1111.
Free Yoga Classes for Beginners
If you gave your fitness routine the slip during the holidays, January is the perfect time to start anew. Sunset Yoga Center’s winter session runs January 7 through March 3, with a variety of classes for all ability levels. New to yoga? Try a free beginner class January 7-13. See their website for a list of available classes.
In addition to offering Iyengar yoga, Sunset Yoga Center recently added Core Stability classes to the schedule. Taught by licensed physical therapist and yoga instructor Julie Burtis, this unique approach to core stability integrates efficient breathing with a progressive program to strengthen the hips, back and abdominal muscles.
Sunset Yoga Center, located at 12923 NW Cornell Road, is home to the most certified Iyengar yoga instructors in Oregon. Visit www.sunsetyoga.com for more details and to register for classes.
Refinish First Grows
Refinish First has hired five part time employees. They are excited to welcome onto the team Seth Roy, Kacie Parris, Alex Huff, Jeff Eitenbach, and Crystal Clement. Crystal has been a painter for over 30 years, Seth has been doing restoration work for four years, and Jeff has three years’ experience. Alex and Kacie are new to the business. All employees will be doing the refinishing, restoring, painting and re-facing just as Refinish has been doing. You can meet the company’s new faces at the Convention Center in January or at the Expo Center in February for the Home Shows. Find out more at refinishfirst.com.
Virtue of the Month: Caring
“Caring is giving tender attention to the people and things that matter to us. It is being a compassionate witness, listening to another wholeheartedly and without judgment. We show that we care with thoughtful acts and kind words. When we do a careful job, we give it our best effort. We are not indifferent to things that matter. We care deeply about the principles we believe in. Caring is a song of love. Caring is a gift from the heart.” From Virtues Reflection Cards, written by Linda Kavelin Popov.
“One who cares, listens,” Paul Tillich.
The practice of Caring: I take an interest in others and listen deeply. I look for ways to be considerate and helpful. I am gentle and loving with anyone and anything placed in my care. I give excellence to whatever I do. I am passionate about my beliefs. I take good care of myself.
Affirmation: I am thankful for the gift of Caring. It helps me to express my love.
Are you looking for a way to show you care? The greatest heroes come from the greatest crises. Help the kids in Newtown become role models of compassion and resilience after this terrible tragedy. Visit http://www.indiegogo.com/theunityproject. Brought to you by Virtues Connection Portland.com.
Village Gallery of Arts
Don’t miss featured artist Kat McCullough’s fiber art, which will be on display this month. Although her interests include oils, acrylics, and paper collage, McCullough has been working in fiber the last several years, enjoying its “endless variations of color, shape and line.” As she also states, “Artistic expression arrived early in my life and has been a constant presence. I can’t think of a time when I wasn’t drawing, painting, modeling, or playing with a needle and thread. To me, art is joy and aliveness, and it is totally necessary to my wellbeing. I love to go to art shows to feel the excitement of what other artists have discovered or tried, and to browse through art books to see once again what some of my favorite artists have given as gifts of expression to the world.” McCullough cites Paul Klee, Georgia O’Keeffe, Hannah Hoch, Romare Bearden and Wolf Kahn as a few of the many artists she admires.
Lydia Cooper will teach a one-day Friday workshop using the popular and successful drawing method inspired by Betty Edwards’ book, “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.” Cooper has over 30 years of experience producing art for private clients as well as commercial accounts. Since moving to Oregon 20 years ago, she has concentrated on fine art portraiture and floral paintings. Her work has won awards in graphic design and fine art competitions. January 18, 9-noon; $30 registration fee. Open to ages 16 to adult.
Chris Keylock Williams will be teaching “Hearing Your Painting,” a five-week painting course offered at the gallery on Tuesdays. Morning and afternoon sessions are available. Chris will encourage students to look for patterns, rhythm and other musical aspects in their paintings, and each session will include critique, a lesson, and demonstration. All levels welcome.
Danny Rodriguez will be returning to the gallery in January to teach Turkish Marbling on Paper. This is a great opportunity to learn the techniques of this ancient art form. Complete instructions will be given for using all the various marbling techniques. After a demonstration by Danny, students will create their own custom marbled papers to take home. All levels welcome, ages 16 to adult. Saturday, January 19, 10 to 2. $60 registration fee.
Please call the Gallery at (503) 644-8001 or visit our website www.villagegalleryarts.org for additional information regarding the gallery, membership, classes, and special events. The gallery is located at 12505 NW Cornell Road, Portland, OR 97229.
Prince of Peace School Annual Open House
Meet our teachers, review the curriculum, and see samples of students’ work at our annual Open House on Tuesday, January 22, 5-6:30 pm at the school, 14175 NW Cornell Road.
We will be accepting pre-enrollment forms; open enrollment begins February 4. For more information, call Lenetta Colbert, School Director at 503-645-1211 or visit www.princeofpeacelc.org.
You deserve it!
Get GOing—jumpstart your January feeling powerful, productive and organized! NW Organizing Solutions is kicking off 2013 by celebrating the ninth annual Get Organized Month. Here are some great tips for organizing yourself, your routine and your family calendar.
Decide that you deserve it! Understand that you deserve to have more control over your time and your surroundings, and less stress due to feeling overwhelmed. Commit to adding structure and stability to your life.
Create a single calendar for scheduling the activities of everyone in your household and daily/weekly/monthly checklists for each member of your family. Display the lists and calendar in a central location of your home, like the refrigerator or mudroom.
Prioritize your organizational wants and needs. What room or space needs immediate attention? Contact Beth at NW Organizing Solutions about your organization or productivity needs. She can help you get organized, as well as teach you skills to keep you that way.
Set realistic goals for organizing. With the help of a professional organizer like Beth of NW Organizing Solutions, you can reach your organizing goals in a systematic way that will keep you motivated and empowered to success.
NW Organizing offers more organizing tips every month in their free monthly e-newsletter. Sign up to receive them at www.nworganizingsolutions.com or email beth@nworganizingsolutions.com
Also don’t forget to mark your calendar to come and find out how to deal with the onslaught of paper that enters our homes on a regular basis. The workshop will be held at the Cedar Mill Library on Wednesday evening, February 13th. Watch for more information in next month’s issue.
Call Beth at 503-709-0791 or visit our website at www.nworganizingsolutions.com.
Cornell Farm’s clearance sale
We're completely reorganizing our checkout greenhouse and as a result, we're discounting a huge selection of our home and garden decor, including Christmas!
Hurry in, because once it's gone, it's gone. Now through Sunday, January 13. Cornell Farm is open daily, 9 am-5 pm at 8212 SW Barnes Rd. Call 503 292 9895 or visit cornellfarms.com for more information.
Sunset Credit Union News
Happy Birthday to us! 53 years ago, Sunset Science Park Federal Credit Union was formed by eight people from ESI. You can learn a bit more about our history at http://www.sspfcu.com/au_history.html
To celebrate, we’re starting the year off with some useful—and no-cost—seminars at our office, 1100 NW Murray. See if either one is right for you. Refreshments and handouts will be provided. If you'd like to attend either of these, please send an email to us at cuteam@sspfcu.com.
How to Buy a Home in 2013—whether you're looking for your first home, want to move into a larger home, or are looking for an investment property, spend an hour with Sunset member and Keller Williams Real Estate Agent, Marilyn Mays, as she teaches all the tips and strategies to your best deal on a home. Tuesday, February 12, 6-7:00 pm.
All About Your Credit Score—How to read your credit report and what creditors are looking for. Do you know your credit score and what's on your credit report? Want to know how creditors evaluate you? Come learn from Sunset staff member Jenny, as she teaches you everything you need to know. Register now so you can receive your FREE credit report and bring it to the seminar! Tuesday, March 12, 6-7 pm.
Membership in SSPFCU is available to anyone who lives or works in Cedar Mill, or is an employee of any of our select employer groups (please contact us to see if your business participates). And once you join, all family members (regardless of where they live or work) are also eligible to enjoy all the benefits of Sunset Credit Union.
Goodbye Grapevine, hello Greek Village
Painted ceiling tiles at The Greek |
Irene Pavlatos is sad to announce that the Grapevine Restaurant & Lounge closed on New Years Day. But the good news is that she is bringing the customer favorites from that enterprise to her long-time family venture at the Greek Village, on Murray just south of the Sunset Highway.
“All the Grapevine bartenders are coming over, along with our wonderful DJ/KJ Suzy Q,” she says. “Our big-screen tvs will be here, so everyone can enjoy Blazers’ games and other sports events. And some of our customer favorite dishes will be available, including salmon sandwiches, mozzarella sticks, and chicken wings.” They’ll join favorite Greek Village items like broasted chicken and Wiener Wednesdays ($1.75 hot dogs with a vast assortment of toppings). Breakfast will be served Sunday mornings, and Happy Hour food and drink specials are available daily from 3-7 pm.
This fun-filled tavern includes six pool tables, all lottery games, and even a couple of traditional pinball machines. And don’t miss the historic hand-decorated ceiling tiles. “Some of them are pretty tired,” says Pavlatos, “so we’re going to have a couple of “tile parties” to create new ones.” New carpets and some general updating will be coming along soon. They updated the HVAC system last summer.
Ladies night on Wednesdays will feature $4 martinis. Or “Taste the Rainbow” with Skittle-infused vodka shots!
The building has been there since the 30s or 40s. It was originally a feed store, and later a restaurant. Her father started the Greek Village Lounge in 1971. Irene grew up in the business and one of her daughters is a bartender, so it’s truly a family affair.
Dance into School
Impressions Dance Club is providing Free Arts Program Demonstrations to local elementary and middle schools during January. For information on how to bring a program to your school contact Cynthia Parent at danceteachers@aol.com or call 971-226-1119.
New classes for adults, teens and youth start January 23. Community Dances are now held on the second and fourth Saturday of every month. For information go to ImpressionsDanceClub.net.
Dental Administration How-To
Co-Founders Rosalea Peters and Connie-Marie Sanders launched Opportunity this past fall, dedicated to establishing and promoting dental administration as a profession with continuing education requirements. They are offering educational seminars, motivational speaking events, networking, leadership-oriented "Power Breakfasts," as well as a dental office management certification program set to begin classes in the Fall of 2013.
Opportunity is proud to present their debut event February 1 with Dr. Roy Shelburne, speaking on the importance and legal aspects of correct charting and insurance billing. To register or for more information about Dental Management Education Oregon LLC, please visit their website at www.opportunitydental.com.
Rosalea Peters currently serves as Vice President of the Cedar Mill Business Association and works in Operations with WEO Media, a dental marketing company based in Portland, OR.