January at Sunset High School will be a busy month for most students. Right after winter break comes a spirit week for the upcoming Bali Hai dance, and then the dance itself on January 19. Junior Nikki Rogovoy says, "I love being a part of a school like Sunset because the students are so spirited," and she is right -- the student body gets amped up on school pride and excitement for the dance.
The following week there is a Cram the Stands girls' basketball game, which is a cancer awareness event to raise money for the Doernbecher Children's Hospital Foundation. The event draws tons of support from the student body and the community; for most games the stands are, literally, "crammed." Snacks are sold to help fund other Sunset programs as well— a SAMBA pop for the band is always a delicious choice. Make sure to come out on January 23 to show your support for the basketball team and the children's hospital!
On Saturday the 26th, students will be taking the SAT to prepare for their college applications. After the whirlwind of winter SATs and finals week through the 31st, students get a relaxing three-day weekend to prepare for the new semester.