Volume 14, Issue 1 | January 2016 |
13 years and counting
When the first issue (cedarmill.org/news/pdf/1-3.pdf) came out in January 2003, it was mainly seen as a way to help grow the Cedar Mill Business Association. We were trying to figure out why our attendance was dropping, and we agreed that hearing the latest “gossip,” what was going on around town, was what kept us involved. Having a background in local publications, I suggested a newsletter. The relationship with CMBA lasted through January 2011, when CMN became completely independent. We quickly realized that The News could serve the general population, not just the business community, and with advertising support, we grew to four pages by April 2003, eight in June 2005, and twelve in January 2009. And that’s big enough for our small community, although I have to use a shoehorn every month to fit everything into the print version. From the beginning, CMN was published online as well as in print. In the next few months, we will be revamping the website to allow us to continually update events and articles, bring on more contributors, and incorporate social media, classified ads, and more. Online readership now far exceeds print (800 paper copies, over 2500 online subscribers). Nationally and regionally, local journalism is being dumped by corporate publishers. I understand that. It’s only because I live frugally that I can afford to keep publishing while living off the advertising revenues! But here’s a shout out to the advertisers who continue to support CMN—they value what we offer and they want you to see that they’re involved in this unique community. If you are part of, or know of, a business like that, encourage them to get on board so we can continue to improve! I believe in community. Whether your family has lived here for generations, or you’ve just recently found this wonderful part of Oregon, being connected to neighbors, businesses, and organizations that comprise Cedar Mill enriches your life. Understanding what’s going on around you—whether it’s in government, development, education, or where your favorite restaurant is moving to—reduces stress and increases connection. And research tells us that’s good for our health, both mental and physical! So here’s wishing you a very good 2016. Make sure you share CMN with your friends and neighbors, like us on Facebook, support our advertisers, and let them know you appreciate their community spirit!
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