Volume 14, Issue 1 | January 2016 |
Appeal filed for Sunset Station Development ExtensionAs expected (see December issue), Beaverton approved an extension of the expiring, previously approved, J Peterkort & Company's Planned Unit Development (PUD) at and around Sunset Transit Station. Normally, a development approval extension would be routine. However, in this case, the decision is being challenged by Westhaven Neighborhood residents and Neighbors For Smart Growth.
The appeal is being filed as a result of J. Peterkort & Company’s recent attempts to fence off the historic 95th Avenue Trail that provides a pedestrian connection from the neighborhood directly to Sunset Station, through the PUD. The public has openly and continuously used this trail since at least as far back as the 1950s. The trail’s importance was recognized when Washington County adopted new regulations late last year to classify the trail as a regional facility that is essential to the function of Sunset Station area and the extended Regional Transportation System. The appeal focuses on the City's approval criteria, which provide that, in order for an extension to be granted, there must have been, “no change in circumstances or the applicable regulations or Statutes likely to necessitate modification of the decision or conditions of approval since the effective date of the decision for which the extension is sought.” Neighbors For Smart Growth argues, among other points, that the City improperly granted the extension without adequately considering relevant changes to regulations and circumstances that impact pedestrian facilities around the PUD, including the classification of the 95th Avenue Regional Trail as an essential service and the fact that J Peterkort & Company has attempted to block the trail. The group points out the City’s failure to recognize the importance of pedestrian facilities detrimentally affects the Sunset Transit Center’s functionality by further burdening its inadequate parking facility, as well as negatively impacting the viability of the station's adjacent Transit Oriented community and the extended transportation system. More details are available online at: neighborsforsmartgrowth.org. The hearing is open to the public to attend, testify, and/or submit written statements. It is scheduled on Wednesday, January 27, 6:30 pm, Beaverton City Council Chambers, First Floor of Beaverton Building (Beaverton Round), 12725 SW Millikan Way, Beaverton, OR 97076
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