Volume 15, Issue 1 | January 2017 |
New development newsBeaverton to annex Murray-Cornell cornerBeaverton annexed portions of some Cedar Mill roads in 1999, including Murray Bl. south of Cornell. When Beaverton owns the roadway, they also own the utilities that are placed beneath it. When a developer wishes to, for example, hook up to the sewer, they have to annex into the city to be able to do that.
CPAH’s proposed low-income housing and retail project for the southeast corner of the intersection is subject to that requirement and the annexation process is underway. Jeff Salvon, Beaverton planner, says, “The City's Planning Commission's will conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation which will then be taken to the City Council on January 18 for final consideration.” Shannon Wilson, Deputy Director, Community Partners for Affordable Housing, Inc. (CPAH), says, “We don't anticipate this will change our negotiations with the County on the lease of the land since Washington County will still own the site, but it will now be within the City of Beaverton. The funding we are working on putting together for the project will come from the County and the State levels primarily (in addition to a permanent loan and gap funding sources), and our ability to secure those funds will not be affected by the annexation.” Beaverton will apply their TC-MU zoning to the property. Salvon says, “Washington County applied the TO:RC zoning to the property in order to implement Metro's Town Center concept assigned to this area. The city of Beaverton only has two zones that implement that town center concept - Town Center High Density Residential (TC-HDR) and Town Center Multiple Use (TC-MU). Given that the property is surrounded by retail uses, we believe that the City's Town Center: Multiple Use (TC:MU) zoning is the best suited option available.” Beaverton does plan to help CPAH with funding and permitting. Neighborhood MeetingsNeighborhood Meetings provide a forum for the applicant and surrounding property owners/residents to review the proposal and identify issues before the formal application is turned into the County. Four-lot subdivision: Thompson AdditionThurs., Jan. 19, 6:30 pm, Bethany Community Meeting Room, 15160 NW Laidlaw Informational meeting on preliminary development plans for a property on Thompson Road, near where Thompson turns west. 14-lot subdivision: Karla HeightsWed. Jan. 25, 6:30 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Pioneer Design Group, Inc., is representing the developer of a property located on the west side of NW McDaniel Rd., between NW Ridge Rd. and appellate Way. Public Comment Period for new Nike building ends January 12Nike is planning another new building on its campus at the southwest corner of Murray and Walker Rd. This development will comprise a 360,600 square foot building and associated improvements, and a Drainage Hazard Area alteration. The complete development application for this project is available at the Cedar Mill library, on the mezzanine, NE corner. |
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