Volume 15, Issue 1 | January 2017 |
Park district will demolish 114th house
Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District is preparing to demolish the house at 20 NW 114th soon. The house is located next to a large natural area that includes the Cedar Mill Wetland, managed by the Nature Conservancy. The property backs up to Foege Park, with unimproved trails leading to the wetland. THPRD Urban Planner Brad Hauschild says, “The demolition of the house is to remove a nuisance from the neighborhood. The site has been subject to vandalism and the condition of the house was cause for concern.” The house was one of two THPRD properties that were the target of arson in 2015. The district purchased the adjacent property in 2010 in anticipation of enlarging nearby Foege Park and completing a loop trail around the area when funds become available. Locals have been asking the district to create a soft-surface path in the meantime, to complete the loop and keep pedestrians off the road. Hauschild says, “At this point there are no immediate plans for improvements to the property. In the future, it will be developed as part of the Cedar Mill Creek Trail connecting Foege Park (to the north) and the Timberland development (to the west).” |
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