Volume 7, Issue 12 | December 2009 |
A City by Choice for our area?A group of residents continues to gather information and support for the formation of a new city in our area. Lori Waldo was elected Chair of Cedar Creek Community at the group’s November 9 meeting, with Fred Meyer as Vice-Chair and John Metcalf as Treasurer. With a new set of bylaws, a new website, and a refined geographic area in mind, the group plans to begin their major push to collect signatures and grow their membership in January.
In November, they presented a letter to the Urban/Rural Reserves Steering Committee, requesting that the area bounded by Skyline Boulevard on the north, Cornelius Pass Road on the west, Highway 26 to the south, and the Portland city limits to the east be added to the Urban Reserves for future inclusion in the Urban Growth Boundary. They feel that the Cornelius Pass corridor could be developed as a corridor for industrial headquarters rather than manufacturing. The group’s effort has been criticized by Metro Chair David Bragdon and others for not having done enough due-diligence study of the area which by all contemporary standards doesn’t have a sufficient base of industry to support the cost of running the residential portion a city. Because the area’s basic needs are already met by service districts (Beaverton Public School District, Tualatin Valley Water District, etc.) the city would act as a manager for those services, providing oversight and accountability that is not currently available. New services that the city could provide would include a higher degree of urban planning that would ensure improved transportation options and more sustainable city design; cultural and social activities and public spaces; and business development to encourage companies to locate in the area, providing jobs and financial support for the city. The new website (acitybychoice.org) states that the group’s goals are to: Establish our rights to self-determination; Create and support a fiscally responsible community with local control of tax revenues; Focus sustainable planning and development principles and practices around our community values and economic vitality; Nurture our rich and diverse culture. It also has a “Frequently Asked Questions” section with information clarifying their goals and expectations. Washington County Commissioner for the area, Desari Strader, is very cautious of supporting the effort, feeling that the county is faced with too many more urgent problems to spend time and money on the feasibility study at this time. For more information about the group, visit the website or email citybychoice@gmail.com
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