When Michael Coats commutes from Tigard to his job as Manager of Miller Paint in Cedar Mill, he doesn't worry about traffic...
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In November, The Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) rejected part of Washington County's proposal for Urban and Rural Reserves. Outgoing Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Chair Tom Brian and Chair-elect Andy Duyck have reportedly been meeting with LCDC and Metro representatives to frame a response and replace the acreage that was rejected by LCDC...
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Next Meeting
Cedar Mill Business Association
Tuesday, December 14. 11:30
Place: Sunset Athletic Club Banquet Room
Enjoy a special holiday luncheon and plenty of door prizes
provided by CMBA Member businesses.
Members only, but you can join at the Social. |
While our neighbors in need can use help year-round, we often think about it more around the holidays. Here's a selection of opportunities for us to share our bounty locally...
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In 2003, the Beaverton School District (BSD) condemned and then purchased a 14-acre parcel in the middle of the former Teufel Nursery property for a future school site...
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We hear a lot these days about sustainability. We are exhorted to recycle and re-use, cut down on energy use, eat locally and grow our own vegetables, all in the name of sustainability. But it seems like few really understand both the definition and the consequences of true sustainability...
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Winter brings many gifts. With the inclement weather and the hiatus of the growing season we spend more time indoors. This allows us to reflect on our past summer—what we plan to plant for next year to learn from the things that didn't go as planned – and to rest like the dormant trees...
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Believe it or not, it is time to consider planning your spring and summer garden. December and January are the months when seed catalogues begin to show up in the mail, and with good reason...
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For parents whose children need medical attention outside the hours of their regular doctor, Pediatric Urgent Care opened in November of 2009, during the crescendo of the H1N1 epidemic...
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CMBA Holiday Social & more...
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Dollhouse raffle, Santa visits Second Edition, more...
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