December 2012 Business News
Virtue of the month: Joyfullness
“Joy gives us wings! In times of joy, our strength is more vital, our intellect keener, and our understanding less clouded. We seem better able to cope with the world and to find our sphere of influence.” Abdu’l-Baha, Paris Talks
“Joyfulness is an inner wellspring of peace and happiness. It is beyond ordinary happiness because it is not an occasional emotional reaction to luck or circumstances. It is a deep sense of wellbeing that fills us with delight and hope.” Linda Kavelin Popov
“I practice joyfulness when I have a deep sense that life is good. I enjoy the richness of life’s experiences. I appreciate simple pleasures. I am optimistic and hopeful. I am in touch with my purpose. I feel inner peace even when life is difficult. I am Thankful for the gift of Joyfulness. It is the natural state of my soul.”
Brought to you by Delaram H. Adyani, Master Facilitator, Virtues Project
Winter Solstice Restoration
The root of the word "solstice" comes from a Latin word that means to stand or to stay still. At this time of year, what better than to be reminded to be still, to take time to be quiet? While the days become shorter and darker, and plants and animals hibernate, we extend our working days.
Consider taking two hours to quiet your mind, relax your body and refresh your spirit with a restorative yoga class. While all the poses in yoga are considered restorative, there is a series of poses that require little or no exertion on the student's part. These poses will bring a balance to the overworked and stressed systems of the human body. This class will include poses to lengthen and stretch the body before longer quieting poses, as well as breathing and meditation.
Amy Duncan continues her popular tradition of welcoming the winter solstice with a restorative yoga class at Sunset Yoga. For a special treat, this year's class falls on the actual solstice, Friday, December 21 from 6-8 pm and costs $25. All levels are welcome. Poses will be adapted as needed. Wear comfortable clothing. Please come with an empty stomach. Preregister online or by calling 503-539-4504.
Saturday Swing and Social Dance
Community Dances at the Leedy Grange are moving from Fridays to Saturdays starting in December. Every second and fourth Saturday, join in a beginner's lesson at 7 pm and open dancing from 7:30-10 pm.
All ages are welcome. Refreshments and games are available in the dining hall. Join us for swing, foxtrot, rumba, cha-cha, west coast swing, salsa, waltz and more. Cost is $7/adult, $5/student, $20/family. For information go to or contact Cynthia Parent at 971-226-1119.
Olympic Provisions now at Bales
Bales’ Thriftway cheese manager Marc Cretarolo has scored a win by bringing a variety of Olympic Provisions’ top-notch salamis, patés and other charcuterie specialties to the cheese counter. These delicacies are perfect for holiday party platters, or just indulgent snacking.
LinkedIN for Business
Back by popular demand, Rosalea Peters of WEO Media will be teaching her class “LinkedIN for Business Owners” again on December 11 at 6 pm, in the ‘igloo’ building behind Sunset Credit Union at Murray and Dogwood (1100 NW Murray Blvd). This hour-long seminar will cover information about how to set up a company page, ways to enhance your personal business profile, and new features that you should be taking advantage of! Please RSVP your attendance to by December 8.
Peters currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Cedar Mill Business Association, serves as an officer for her local Citizens Participation Organization (CPO 1), and recently became a new business owner. She brings her marketing and social media experiences and expertise to assist business owners in navigating the often overwhelming world of social media marketing. For more information on the services WEO Media provides, visit
Village Gallery News
December’s featured artist at the Gallery is Renee Habibi. Enjoy her bold, vivid nature and landscape oil paintings, as well as some of her work in graphite, ink and watercolor. Her show runs December 4-January 5. Habibi’s work as an artist emerged as a need for creative release when her youngest daughter entered first grade. She credits Dan Carrel, an early instructor in Kansas, as helping her “really see the world around us—to note the color, lighting, lines, patterns, and textures comprising it—and then to express it in artistic form.” Clouds, rocks, trees and mountains are favorite subjects for Habibi, and in the last few years she has enjoyed painting predominantly with a palette knife instead of brushes. She has been influenced by the distinctive landscapes of the various regions of the United States in which she has lived.
December classes include Children’s Art Classes with Kristi Roberts on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, and Emma Achleithner’s Traditional Watercolor Class on Thursday mornings. Please call the gallery at 503-644-8001 or visit their website at for additional information about these classes.
Village Gallery is located next to the Cedar Mill Library at 12505 NW Cornell Rd. and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 to 4; Sunday 12 to 4, and closed on Mondays.
Award of Excellence for Peninsula
Cedar Mill’s Bob Rosson of Peninsula Insurance has been honored with the prestigious Award of Excellence by Safeco Insurance for the eighth time. “Our independent insurance agency works hard to serve our customers by getting the right coverage for the right price,” said Rosson. “It’s an honor to be recognized by Safeco Insurance as one of its top agency partners.”
The Award of Excellence celebrates outstanding agents with superior underwriting skills who have developed a solid underwriting partnership with Safeco and whose agencies have qualified for membership in Safeco’s H.K. Dent Society, the company’s elite agency recognition program.
Peninsula Insurance is located at 12700 NW Cornell Rd, opposite Bales Thriftway. Call 503-644-5333 or come in to get a personalized comparison quote for all your insurance needs.
Intro to SoulCollage® Workshop
SoulCollage® is a simple but deep process for using collage to tap into your heart and soul. The workshop begins with a Friday night intro from 6:30-9:30 pm, followed by a Saturday class from 11-4. Make cards, read, and write about them. It's a fun and revealing process!
No experience is necessary for this workshop. Anyone can do it, and it can be insightful and affirming. Email Linda Dalal Sawaya ( with questions or to register. Workshop fee is $85, which includes all materials. Treat yourself to a creative gift for yourself this holiday season, and join the workshop! Teens and adults are welcome. Bring a friend, and receive a discount for two!
Explore Raja Yoga Basics
The asana practice (physical postures of yoga) is what brings most of us to our mats for the first time. As our practice develops, so does the inkling that there is much more to Yoga than the warrior pose.
Join Dina each Sunday evening at Santosha Yoga for free yoga practice as she shares what Sri Dharma Mittra calls "the point." Through pranayama (mindful breathing) and deep relaxation, quiet the mind and allow meditation to bring you closer to a state of samadhi (complete absorption in the practice). On a physical level, this inner silence increases the amount of active gray matter in the brain. On a mental level it helps us control our emotions and reduce the effects of stress in our lives. On a spiritual level it is how we become perceptually and experientially one with the environment.
Feel free to bring your meditation cushion and Mala beads if you have them. Chairs available. All Levels welcome! Classes run through February 24 (no class on Dec 16 and Feb 2).
Holiday Shipping Tips
The holidays are just around the corner, but you can still ship gifts to family and friends in time for the holidays. The UPS Store® is ready to assist holiday procrastinators with the logistics of their last-minute packing and shipping needs.
This year, Christmas falls on a Tuesday. The UPS Store accepts packages as late as Friday, December 21, for delivery on Monday, December 24. For time-critical shipments, UPS offers the convenience of Saturday Delivery. To save on shipping costs this year consider shipping your packages no later than December 16. Check with your local UPS Store to help you determine the best way to get your package to its destination in time.
People lacking the time, expertise or proper packaging supplies to prepare their gifts for shipment can bring them to the certified packing experts at The UPS Store to do the work. They will also receive the Pack & Ship Guarantee, which reimburses customers in the event a center-packed item shipped via UPS is lost or damaged.
The UPS Store can check help to check other items off holiday to-do lists: “This time of year, not only are we busy packing and shipping our customers’ gifts, but we’re also busy helping customers design and print holiday newsletters, invitations and programs,” said The UPS Store franchise owner Tim Kimble. Customers who do a lot of online and catalogue shopping can open a mailbox if they don’t want their items sitting on their doorstep while they are not at home.
Add traveling to the mix and you can have a real headache. Fortunately, The UPS Store helps ease travelers’ burdens by shipping their luggage ahead of time. Consider a luggage box to replace a suitcase for holiday traveling.
For added convenience, The UPS Store has extended holiday hours. Check the website at Visit them at 10940 SW Barnes or call 503-646-9999 for information.