Volume 10, Issue 12 | December 2012 |
December 2012 Community AnnouncementsLecture series comes to Oak Hills ChurchThe award-winning January Series of Calvin College is returning to our area. From January 3 through January 23, 2013, Oak Hills Community Church will be one of 38 remote webcast locations worldwide to broadcast one of the nation’s leading lecture and cultural arts series. The 26th-annual January Series will feature a lineup of nationally-acclaimed speakers including a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, a three-time, Emmy award-winning broadcaster, the Army’s first active-duty, blind officer and one of Newsweek’s “150 Women Who Shake the World.” These captivating speakers will cover a wide range of today’s most relevant topics—some dealing with religious issues and some not. Richard Mouw and Robert Millet will present Evangelicals and Mormons: A Conversation and Dialogue. Cokie Roberts will provide an insider’s view of the political climate in Washington D.C.; local author Rebecca Skloot will share the fascinating story of the cell line HeLa derived unknowingly from Henrietta Lacks. W. Dwight Armstrong will predict the future of farming as the world population is expected to reach nine billion in 2050. For a full list of speakers and topics, visit www.calvin.edu/january. The January Series lectures will be video-streamed live at Oak Hills Community Church (2800 NW 153rd Avenue) from 9:30 to 10:30 am Monday through Friday. The lectures are free and open to the public. Roma Leuthold's 100th Birthday Party!
Enroll in THPRD Winter ClassesWant to learn a new skill, or improve on one you already have? Would you like to get in better shape this winter? Are you hoping to make new friends and have more fun in 2013? Then sign up for one of the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District’s winter classes, programs and activities. Registration begins Saturday, December 8 and classes start January 7. Class descriptions and schedules, along with registration instructions and forms, are in THPRD's Winter/Spring 2013 activities guide, which is available online at www.thprd.org or in print at any THPRD center or the Administration Office (158th and Walker Road, Beaverton) and at local libraries. Online and phone registration for winter term will be open to in-district residents starting at 8 am on December 8 and continue until 6 pm that day. It will continue December 9 from noon to 4 pm and December 10-14 from 8:30 am to 6 pm. Patrons registering by computer for the first time must establish an online account in advance at www.thprd.org/activities. Those registering by phone simply need to call 503-439-9400 starting December 8. For residents living outside the Tualatin Hills district, registration will begin Friday, December 14, at 8:30 am. Those who have paid an assessment fee ($74 quarterly) may register by Internet, phone, fax, mail or walk-in starting that day. Washington County ForumThe Washington County Public Affairs Forum will feature the following programs for the balance of 2012. December 10: Prisons: Can Oregon Afford Its Present Corrections System?—John Foote, District Attorney of Clackamas County and Larry Matasar, J.D. Criminal Defense Attorney. December 17: Christmas music program with a chorale from Hillsboro’s Orenco Elementary School plus other musical treats. The Washington County Public Affairs Forum meets from Mondays, 11:45 am to 1 pm at the Old Spaghetti Factory, 18925 NW Tanasbourne Drive, across from the Evergreen movie theaters in Hillsboro. The doors open at 10:30, with a first lunch serving at 11:30 and a second at noon. The program begins at noon. The lunches are open to the public and free if no food or drink is ordered; pasta lunch is $15, $10 for soup and salad, and $6 for iced tea or coffee only. Members pay $2 less for each option. The Forum is a neutral arena for the education of members and the public. It endorses no particular point of view and takes no responsibility for the opinions expressed by speakers, which are not necessarily the opinions of the Forum, its members or its Board of Directors. Programs are replayed on TVCTV Channel 21 Thursday at 6 am; Channel 28 Thursday at 10 pm, Friday at 6 pm and Sunday at 3 pm; and Channel 11 Monday at 10 am. Find Support with GriefShareYou don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. The 13-week recovery support group will be held on Wednesday evenings starting January 23, 2013 at Cedar Mill Bible Church. GriefShare has helped many people. Why go it alone, when God has given us one another? If you are interested, contact Pastor Cathy Cedergreen at 503-644-3156 or email at ccedergreen@cmbc.org to register. Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement PrioritizationThere are numerous “system gaps” in our pedestrian and bike facilities. In an effort to make it safer and more convenient to get around without a car, Washington County's Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement Prioritization project has mapped most of them, and is asking for public input to prioritize projects to fill in these missing pieces. Their website has been updated with the 45 top-scoring system gaps for sidewalks and the top 45 system gaps for bike lanes, as determined by the project's prioritization criteria and suitability mapping. Gaps in the bicycle and sidewalk networks can be viewed alphabetically in tables, or geographically on a map by visiting the Gap Prioritization page. You can vote on your top ten priority system gaps (five priority gaps for bike lanes, and five priority gaps for sidewalks) by clicking on the "Vote" button. Voting must be completed by Friday, December 21. Coins for ColeCole is the eight year old brother of one of our students at Prince of Peace school. He went to the doctor in September with a sore throat and was diagnosed with stage-four cancer. He will be hospitalized for the next three to four months, while receiving IV chemo through his spine. He is an avid sports fan and especially enjoys soccer. He is also a Ducks fan! We are asking our church and school families and the community to donate their “pocket change” to help pay for medical bills not covered by insurance. We will have three large bottles or vases available around the church and school campus, 14175 NW Cornell, for you to drop off your coins. We also ask that you would continue to pray for this family and especially for Cole. To learn more about Cole check out the web site: www.goteamcole.com Clean Water Service's Annual Leaf Disposal and Food DriveBring your fall leaves, pine needles, grass clippings and canned and nonperishable food to a free drop-off event. Please limit bags to less than 50 lbs. No litter, rocks, sticks, etc. Residential customers only. For more information about this program, please call the Clean Water Services Leaf Line at 503-547-8116, or check out their website. The closest location for Cedar Mill residents will be in the parking lot of the Home Depot on Science Park Drive on Saturday, Dec. 8, 8 am - 4 pm.
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