Volume 10, Issue 12 | December 2012 |
Soup Potluck and holiday decorating at Leedy Grange Hall
Potluck supper from 6-7. Soup ticket is $3, or free with your potluck contribution (it doesn’t have to be fancy or homemade—chips, bread, salad, cookies, whatever)! Everyone welcome! The Grange Hall is located at 835 NW Saltzman (the building with the mural). Bring warm clothing, new toiletries, toilet paper, paper towels and diapers, blankets, or packaged food for Sunshine Pantry donations. We'll make sure they get there!! Crafty Days at Cedar Mill Community LibraryChristmas Tree Craft: Drop-in crafts in the children’s area. Monday, December 3. 10 am to noon at Cedar Mill Library, 1-3 pm at Bethany branch. DIY Teen Holiday Crafts: Come create a personalized gift for family or friends. Teens can craft earrings, ornaments, or t-shirt art (bring a clean white t-shirt if you can for that activity). Teen library council members will be on hand to help. For ages 11-18 at the Cedar Mill Library, free. Saturday, December 8, 1:30-4:30 pm. Second Edition SantaSanta will be at Second Edition Resale Store on Saturday December 15 from 2-4 pm. Children will receive a small toy while supplies last. Bring a camera if you like, to capture the moment! Holiday Concert to Benefit the Oregon Food BankOn Friday, December 21, from 7-8 pm, Hoffman Academy of Music will be holding its Second Annual Holiday Concert to benefit the Oregon Food Bank. Mr. Hoffman, director of Hoffman Academy of Music, and several Academy teachers will entertain the audience with songs of the season. Last year more than 100 people attended the concert, and the Academy collected 222 pounds of food and $270 for the Oregon Food Bank. This year we hope to make an even larger donation. This family-friendly event is open to everyone in the community, and is free with the donation of two cans/boxes of food per person. The concert will be held at the St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, 17435 NW West Union Road. Refreshments will follow the performance. For more information contact Hoffman Academy at 503-336-3121 or go to www.hoffmanacademy.com. In addition to collecting food at the December 21 concert, Hoffman Academy of Music will be collecting donations at their studio in the weeks leading up to the concert. If you would like to make a food or monetary donation to the Oregon Food Bank, feel free to drop off your donation at the Academy during their regular daytime office hours, Monday through Friday 11-6, by December 21. All food and monetary donations will be delivered to the Oregon Food Bank on December 22. A record of number of Oregonians needed to seek emergency food in 2012. For the second year in a row, the Oregon Food Bank statewide network of regional food banks distributed more than one million emergency food boxes. Four million emergency meals were served at soup kitchens and shelters. 34% of those receiving emergency food are children. In addition to providing food to those in need, the Oregon Food Bank works to eliminate the root causes of hunger through advocacy, nutrition education, garden education and through working with communities to strengthen local food systems. Your donation to the Oregon Food Bank will make a positive impact on many in our community, and we encourage you to participate in the Academy’s food drive if you are able to make a donation. For more information about the Oregon Food Bank and its programs go to www.oregonfoodbank.org. Holidays at the Wine CellarJoin the Wine Cellar for any of their special holiday events: December 14—holiday special wine tastings: Jon Jennison of Thistle Wines and Garett Plotcher of Owen Roe from 4-7 pm, $10 or free with to-go bottle. December 15—Olympic Provisions & imbue Vermouth will be here on Saturday for a charcuterie tasting and winter cocktail party. OP is one of the best cured-meat producers in America and is local to Portland. Imbue is a local vermouth producer. Their offerings will delight wine drinkers with interesting flavors and easy mix ideas. $35 includes a salami of your choice and a bottle of imbue. Or, $15 just to join in the fun and taste these super local treats. RSVP not required, but appreciated: 503-643-5655. December 21—get ideas and shop for holiday wine and food pairings, 4-7 pm, $10 or free with to-go bottle. The Wine Cellar is located at 525 NW Saltzman, in the “triangle” center behind Dairy Queen. Visit their website at portlandwinecellar.com or call 503-643-5655 for information. Boy Scout Tree RecyclingLet local Boy Scout Troop 198 recycle and compost your tree on December 30 or January 5. Drop off your tree at Forest Heights Village on NW Miller & Mill Ridge or West TV Elementary on SW Leahy Rd & SW 88th Ave from 9 am until 3 pm. Suggested donation is $7 per tree and $3 per wreath. We will also pick up trees. Just place your tree at the curb or garage by 9 am on the days mentioned above and we will come pick it up. Suggested donations for pick-ups are $10 per tree and $3 per wreath. Please make checks out to “Boy Scout Troop 198” and place your donation under your front door mat. You must email requests before recycle days to TreeRecycle198@gmail.com or text your address or questions to 503-927-2618. Big Horn Brass ConcertAll are invited to the annual community concert by the Big Horn Brass at St Matthew Lutheran Church, 10390 SW Canyon Road. The Big Horn Brass is a group of 15 professional musicians who will perform a variety of holiday and festive music. The Big Horn Brass is joined this year by vocalist Shirley Nanette of local jazz fame. The music begins at 6:10 pm with a prelude by the St Matthew Exaltation Hand Bells. The Big Horn Brass concert starts at 6:30 pm with a candle lighting to observe the annual Worldwide Candle Lighting, observed each year on the second Sunday in December, sponsored by The Compassionate Friends. This is a fun, festive, free community event, and everyone is invited.
For a sample of the music, more information on the concert and directions to St Matthew, please visit bighornbrassholidayconcert.com. Annual Historical Society Christmas GatheringThe Beaverton Historical Society will hold its annual Christmas gathering on Tuesday December 11, 7-9 pm. Vintage toys will be on display, and music will be provided by regional husband and wife duo The Heartstrings. On dulcimer and bass, they will play a variety of historical and contemporary music and will have their CDs available for purchase. Complimentary punch and cider will be provided and many desserts and candies will be available for purchase, including a rendition of Mamie Eisenhower’s million-dollar fudge. Admission is free and the event is appropriate for all ages. Festivities will be held at 12412 SW Broadway St. in historical downtown Beaverton. For more information, email info@historicbeaverton.org or call 503 430 0106. NEWS HOME |
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