What’s happening at...
An occasional roundup of land-use and business changes around the community...
The construction that is now taking place along Barnes Road is for multi-family housing. They are still working to confirm an anchor tenant for the commercial area—presumably a grocery. Tentative plans are to hold a neighborhood meeting in January to announce a tenant and discuss development plans.
The boardwalk and Cedar Mill Falls overlook are nearly complete, along with improvements to the surrounding natural areas. Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District expects to receive the properties sometime early next year.
Orchard Hardware Supply, a California home improvement and garden store, will move into the empty space that was formerly occupied by Bally Fitness. They’ve been described as the “New Seasons” of hardware.
Beaverton brushed off the LUBA remand of the zoning changes applied to the large parcels of vacant land, so presumably Peterkort will be talking to developers who will go forward with fleshing out the various segments of the properties along Barnes from the Sunset Transit Center to 118th.
Cedar Mill Place
Most of the tenants of the eastern half of the building have now relocated or closed. This was bought by Walgreens last year, presumably to relocate their store that is currently at Saltzman and Cornell. No word on their schedule for moving forward.
Donuts Plus has a space in Oak Hills Shopping Center. It’s much larger than the previous shop and manager Paul Kim is excited about the potential to offer even more goodies to his devoted customers. Extensive renovations to the space are nearly complete and he hopes to open sometime in December.
Thai Lily and Mazatlan restaurants are still open in their old location. They, along with Wan Q restaurant, are planning to move into spaces in the western half of the building, which is owned by Tandem Properties. Extensive renovations are needed to accommodate kitchen facilities for them. WanQ is currently operating the bar behind the former Rococo spot. We will let you know when we find out more!
Apollo Pools
Have you noticed the For Sale sign in front of Apollo Pools? General Manager Terry Johnson explains that his wife and her three brothers, who own the building and the double lot behind it, feel that the time is right to sell the property.
They are liquidating the games, darts, billiard and pool stock that occupies the second floor of the shop. This means great bargains on some exciting family gifts this season!
They’ve been leasing the building next door for their swimming pool installation and repair business. There’s enough room there to accommodate the retail swimming pool sales and supply operation, so we’re not losing Apollo Pools, just gaining a new commercial building in a great location. Contact the realtor listed on the sign if you’re interested!
Apollo will be open through the holiday season during regular hours Monday through Saturday and beyond until a buyer is found.