Volume 16, Issue 12 | December 2018 |
Park district news
New bridge for Commonwealth Lake ParkTHPRD is replacing an old wooden bridge along the Commonwealth Lake Trail, tentatively scheduled for work in spring/summer 2019, depending on weather. Steve Gulgren, THPRD Senior Park Planner, notes, “There are three reasons for replacing the bridge. The first is to correct ADA issues, as both approaches to the bridge on either side are not ADA compliant. The second is that the bridge’s substructure needs to be replaced. The decking and rails were replaced in 2002 but the substructure has never been replaced and it is due. Thirdly, the existing bridge is very narrow and creates a 'pinch point' for the pathway system in the park, which is heavily used. The replacement bridge will be as wide as the existing pathway and will eliminate congestion for the park users.” During construction, a temporary wood chip trail will allow park users to get around the construction zone so they can continue on the pathway loop.
Bluffs Park Trail realignment and paving
In 2013, THPRD acquired a 1.82-acre parcel adjacent to the eastern segment of The Bluffs Park and north of Bonny Slope Elementary School. They built a soft trail through it that connected to both South Drive in the Bluffs, and 117th in Ironwood, enabling many more neighbors to access the school and the park. Last spring, neighbors met with THPRD staff to discuss options for the next phase of the improvements. They adopted an option that will eliminate one segment of the soft trail, retain and improve another segment by adding gravel, and add six foot wide paved trails connecting NW South Drive and NW 117th to the north end of Bonny Slope Elementary. The existing trail will be closed for several weeks, from December 22 through January 6. Steve Gulgren explains, “The closure that is coming up is for the first phase of the new trail project and is strictly all about removing trees. The portion of The Bluffs Park that will be closed is the area between NW South Dr., NW 117th Dr. and the BS Elementary School. All of the other Bluffs Park areas, trails and playground will remain open to the public.” “The second phase of the new trail project will again close the same area and will occur in mid-June to September 2019. This phase will be the actual construction of the new trail. When constructed, the new trail surface will be asphalt and it will be aligned and located slightly differently than where the existing soft surface trails are located now.”
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