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Volume 16, Issue 12
December 2018


Partnering for the Future
by Melissa DeLyser, LUT Communications

Partnering for the Future: Annual Report FY 2017-18 has been published online by Washington County Department of Land Use & Transportation (LUT).

The report highlights the LUT staff's commitment to the Washington County community. Through partnerships with other jurisdictions and organizations, LUT has continued to focus on improving traveler safety and livability in both the rural and urban areas.

"I am extremely proud of all LUT employees and the outstanding work they perform," said Andrew Singelakis, Director. "They work hard, every day, to make life better in the travel lane, the bike lane, the sidewalk, the downtown and the neighborhood.”

In the last fiscal year, LUT constructed three bridges. Phase 2 of the Henry Hagg Lake Perimeter Roads repairs was completed. LUT’s Long Range Planning staff launched several community and transportation planning studies, and drafted 10 ordinances which were adopted by the Washington County Board of Commissioners. The Operations and Maintenance staff implemented three snow zones on roads with steep grades to improve traveler safety.

During Fiscal Year 2017-18, LUT also:

  • Handled 81 road projects in design or construction.
  • Accepted 475 land use applications.
  • Approved 4,377 building plan reviews.
  • Completed 72,074 building inspections.
  • Issued 1,645 Right-of-Way permits.
  • Performed road paving and sealing on 57 centerline miles.

The report includes details about the new food cart regulations, earthquake response plans, flooding remediation, and more. The report is available at LUTannualreport17-18.com. Printed copies will be available at LUT-sponsored events and Washington County CPO meetings after Jan. 1, 2019. In addition, nine annual report videos featuring LUT staff have been created for social media. Follow LUT on Facebook and Twitter to view them all.

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Published monthly by Cedar Mill News LLC
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
PO Box 91061
Portland, Oregon 97291
© 2018