Volume 8, Issue 2 | February 2010 |
CMBA Member News
Bag a bargainSecond Edition Resale is having their Big Bi-annual Bag Sale on Saturday, February 20, beginning at 10 am and lasting until approx. 4 pm (or sooner if everything is gone). A brown paper grocery-type bag, filled to overflowing, is only $7.00. Please see our ad for sale dates. Everyone is invited to help out the library by bringing their like-new or gently-used items into Second Edition, and purchasing something wonderful for themselves on the way out. Awakening the Virtues WithinWe are ready to collaborate with you on your next business project! We can consult with you to listen to your plans of action for a sustainable team spirit, to discover your strength virtues and to support you and your staff in developing stronger business relationships. Begin your next business meeting with a Virtues Pick! The Virtue Card you randomly pick is either a confirmation, or an invitation, never a condemnation! Here is how it works: Read the card out loud. Use the virtue on your card to focus the meeting. At the close, ask how it was helpful. Start your day or week by picking a virtue for your team. Acknowledge each other when you see the virtue in action. Other applications of the Virtues Cards include but are not limited to: 1- Personal Virtues Pick, to read, reflect, journal, create, focus and be inspired in your daily life. 2- Sharing circles: With friends, family or associates; each person takes a turn to speak briefly on what is on their mind or in their life, then randomly selects a card, reads it aloud and shares how it speaks to them. The others listen in complete, respectful silence. When each person finishes, the others acknowledge the virtue they see in that person. “I see (virtue) in the way you ___.” Find out more about the Virtues Card Pack and the project at www.virtuesconnectionportland.com Cornell EyeCare helps you get 20/20To help people who don’t have vision insurance, Cornell Eye Care is offering a 20% discount on their services. Call them at 503-643-5556 to find out how they can help you see clearly. The UPS Store offers free postage for Valentines to deployed military personnelAccording to the Department of Defense, there are nearly 1.5 million active U.S. military personnel. To help residents show their support and send messages to loved ones serving our country, The UPS Store® located at 10940 SW Barnes Rd, Peterkort Towne Square, is launching Operation: S.W.A.K. (Sealed With A Kiss). Operation: S.W.A.K is an initiative to deliver Valentine’s Day greetings to U.S. troops and veterans. From February 1-14, The UPS Store will provide free first-class postage (44¢) for one-ounce valentines and letters to U.S. military personnel stationed overseas or to veterans in VA hospitals. Additionally, the location is offering 50% off packing services and/or packaging materials and 10% off shipping services for care packages destined for servicemen and women. “A handwritten card or letter is a simple way to pay tribute to the efforts and sacrifices of the brave men and women who serve our country,” said Tim Kimble, The UPS Store owner. “Each and every card is a valuable reminder of home for the soldier who receives it.” Eligible mail must be addressed to a specific U.S. serviceman or woman at an assigned APO/FPO address or a specific veteran residing in a VA hospital, and must bear a valid return address. Tim recommends people send their greetings asap for overseas delivery by Valentine’s Day, although cards and letters will be accepted through Feb. 14. “Many people are using e-mail as a quick means of communicating with loved ones overseas, but nothing compares to the sentiment of a handwritten card or letter,” said Tim. CMBA Photo Display at US BankView an exhibit of photos of past and present CMBA members by Sandy Sahagian Portraiture. Sandy excels at creating business portraits that really make you look good! The exhibit is part of US Bank’s ongoing commitment to spotlight local businesses in their lobby. Oregon College of Art & Craft "Art on the Vine" AuctionThis year’s auction, on February 20 at the Oregon Convention Center, features fine art, wine, travel packages, and much more. Proceeds support visionary craft programming and scholarships for promising degree students and underserved children. Get event updates at the OCAC auction blog. This is OCAC’s major fundraising event of the year. Tickets to the event are $250 each and include the cocktail hour/silent auction, and the live auction/dinner. Sponsorship tables of ten are also available. Please call 503-297-5544 x146 or click here to view the auction catalog or information about sponsorship and donation opportunities.
To Those Who Will Not Know the Way: New Work by Ryan Pierce Hoffman Gallery, February 4-25, 10-5 daily; Book Launch and Reading by the artist: Sunday, February 7, noon-2 pm Pierce showcases his newest landscape paintings and corresponding text about the human migrations that will be caused by climate change. The series depicts the regeneration of a post-industrial world. Partially supported by a project grant from the Regional Arts and Culture Council. Say cheese!
His goal is to educate customers about the merits of “real cheese.” He will be featuring many farmstead and artisan local cheeses that have been made with minimal processing. One new feature of the cheese department will be “cheese bites,” small chunks of some of the more expensive cheeses that offer a great way to sample them before investing in larger pieces. He’s working on new signage for the cheese counter that will show the type of milk and country of origin. He’ll also be working with Wine Manager Steve Gale to do cheese-and-wine pairings for the Friday and Saturday late-afternoon tasting table. And if you need a cheese platter for entertaining, he encourages you to bring in your own dish and he’ll create a selection to meet your taste and budget. Sustainable! The Village Gallery of Arts "Art Challenge"Each participating artist will have one month to create four artworks in any medium on a 6”x6” stretched canvas provided by the gallery. The pieces must be created during the month of April. All pieces must have a collective theme; however, pieces should be able to stand alone and will be available for sale individually. Although each artist sets their own selling price, we recommend a price between $20-$80. Your selling price will apply to each of the four pieces. Artists keep 75% of each sale. There is a $25 application fee for this non-juried show. Application deadline is March 16 at 3:00pm. Pick up applications at The Village Gallery of Arts; 12505 NW Cornell Road or find an application on our website at www.villagegalleryarts.org The show featuring these works opens May 4th and closes June 4th. The artist reception will be on Friday, May 7 from 7-9 pm. For more information, please call the gallery at 503/644-8001 or contact project coordinator shelleylebel@hotmail.com or phone: 503/333-1215. The February all-media show will feature George Woodcock. He uses oils to paint his landscapes in the great outdoors. This is where he can best observe the effect of light on his subjects. The show is open February 9-March 6. The gallery is open Tuesday-Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday noon-4 pm. Please call the Gallery at (503) 644-8001 or visit our website for additional information regarding the gallery, membership, classes, and special events.
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