Volume 9, Issue 2 | February 2011 |
Get Ahead of Garlic Mustard Now!
Garlic mustard is a biennial plant. In its first year it appears as a low growing rosette with kidney-shaped scalloped leaves that smell like garlic if you crush them. In our climate, many of these rosettes overwinter and as soon as the weather begins to warm up they grow very rapidly. In the second year, in early spring, the plants grow tall (12-48 inches) and feature white flowers with four-petals each that quickly transform into seed pods.
Prevention is crucial! Clean your boots, bike tires, pets and car tires after traveling through infested patches. Try to be strategic about not spreading the infestation on your own property by working from the outside of the infestation in and then cleaning your boots with a brush after leaving the infested areas. And don't feel shy about attacking these plants wherever you see them, in parks or natural areas. If it's private property you should approach the landowner. This article was published in the West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District (WMSWCD) newsletter. For more information about invasive species, or to sign up for their newsletter, visit them online.
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