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The Changing Grocery SceneFor many years, Cedar Mill shoppers have had three choices for nearby grocery stores: Bales Marketplace (Thriftway), Safeway, and Albertsons. Just last month, Market of Choice (MOC) opened... |
Help might be Nextdoor!Lost dog or cat? Something to sell? Need a recommendation for a carpenter or dog-walker? Want your neighbors to know about a meeting or event? These are just a few of the topics that are being shared... |
New Timberland Middle School planning moves forwardIn May, 2014, voters passed a $680 million bond measure for the Beaverton School District. Among the capacity improvements included in the measure is a new middle school that will be built... |
February 2015 Community News
Beaverton School District seeks community members to serve on School Board, committeesThree Beaverton School Board positions (four-year terms) will stand for election on Tuesday, May 19, 2015. One of these open seats is... |
Library News and EventsFinding Tax Forms, Tax Help & Filing Online; Open Computer Labs, Library Renovations... |
Soil School 2015!Soil School 2015 will be a day packed full of information for small farmers, landscapers, gardeners, grounds managers and anyone else who wants to improve their soil. The health of your soil determines... |
Cedar Mill Business Roundup
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