Volume 17, Issue 2 | February 2019 |
Development News
Peterkort parking lotHearing*: Wednesday, March 13, 6:30 pm, in the City Council Chambers of the Beaverton Building, 12725 NW Millikan Way The Peterkort company is proposing to build a surface parking lot on their property adjacent to the Sunset Transit Center (STC). (See article from November 2018). They have just submitted their application to Beaverton. At this point we don’t know whether TriMet will allow access to the lot from the Sunset Transit Center access road, or whether it will need to have a driveway leading from Barnes Road. There is an additional question about whether the Red and Blue MAX lines that serve the STC can accommodate more riders. Trains that run to Portland are limited to two cars, “because of the length of the block in downtown Portland. A third car would block the intersection at stations,” according to Brenda Martin, TriMet Service Planner. She says the trains running at peak hours are already full. *From the Beaverton Public Hearing Notice: The applicant, J. Peterkort Company, requests approval of the following land use applications to construct a surface parking lot, security booth, and associated site improvements. A Conditional Use for Parking as the Principal Use in the Station Community-Sunset (SC-S) zoning district; Design Review Three approval for the phased construction of a 460 stall surface parking lot, an approximately 200 square foot security booth; a Design Review Build Out Concept Plan showing how future density can be accommodated on site, and associated site improvements. Mailed written comments to the Commission should be sent to the attention of Jana Fox, Planning Division, PO Box 4755, Beaverton, OR 97076. To be made a part of the staff report, correspondence needs to be received by Friday, March 1, 2019. Please reference the Case File Number (CU2018-0023 /DR2018-0167) and Project Name (Sunset Surface Parking) in your written comments. If you decide to submit written comments or exhibits before the public hearing, all submittals prior to or at the hearing that are more than two letter size pages must include no fewer than ten complete copies of the materials being submitted.
11-lot subdivision proposed for SaltzmanA neighborhood meeting was held on December 17 for a proposal to build 11 homes adjacent to Saltzman Road and north of Bauer Woods Drive. We learned that the homes would be accessed from Harvest Drive, not from Saltzman. The developer is Jeff Jorgensen, whose mother owns the property. Jorgensen works for the Peterkort Company and his great-grandmother was a member of the Bauer family. Neighbors who attended expressed concerns about traffic. It was suggested that the new homes could become part of the existing Bauer Woods Estates Homeowners Association, which would help the new homes to integrate into the neighborhood. We will have updated information once the development application is submitted to the county.
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