Community Announcements
Petal Heads at Cedar Mill Garden Club
The March 17th Meeting of the Cedar Mill Garden Club will have a speaker from Petal Heads Nursery, West Linn Oregon.
Annilefe Doolittle will present a slide show/talk about new varieties of plants produced by Terra Nova, a wholesale nursery, such as Heuchera and Hellebore. She will also bring some of the newest perennials to show and will have plants for sale.
The CMGC meets at the Beaverton Community Center12350 S.W. 5th, Beaverton, OR (5th and Hall.) Meetings begin at 10:00a.m. for meeting and social time followed by program at 11:15 a.m.
All gardeners are welcome. For more information contact Barb Cushman, President, at 503-649-7741 or see our website at
New playground equipment in Terra Linda Park
In November 2008, voters approved a $100 million bond for the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (THPRD). In addition to purchasing new land and making other major improvements, bond money is also being used to upgrade parks and sports fields with new picnic areas, pathways and play equipment.
Terra Linda Park is receiving approximately $30,000 in new play equipment. This new equipment will replace the existing equipment, which was originally installed in the early 1980s. The existing play equipment is outdated and repair and replacement materials are hard to come by (and are often manufactured by THPRD’s Maintenance Department).
The new play equipment will provide greater play opportunities for all age groups and abilities. Budget permitting, additional improvements such as concrete curbing for containment of the wood fiber safety surfacing, ADA accessible pathway from the existing pathway, a bench, picnic table and/or trash receptacles may be included.
Construction began last month. The park is scheduled to be closed for approximately eight weeks with an anticipated re-open date in April. The park is located just north of Terra Linda school off 143rd, and is also accessible by a trail that leads south from Burton Road.
Work for the Census
US Census employment testing will be held at Christ United Methodist Church on Fridays at 6:30 pm , March 5, 19 & 26. Other local testing sites include the Cedar Mill Library and St. Pius X church. Contact the local Census office in Beaverton for more information: 503-716-1220. Census takers start at: $15.25/hour.
St. Patrick's Day Volkswalk
Join the Cedar Milers Volkssport Club for a scenic and fun 5 or 10K walk on Saturday, March 20. Meet up at McMenamin's Riverwood Pub, 8136 SW Hall Blvd, Beaverton anytime between 8 am and 1 pm, walk finishes at 4 pm. The walk usually takes about two hours.
Solve riddles. Donate a Teddy Bear for the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Buddy Bear program (optional).
For more information, contact Samantha Cook, or 503-880-4213. For info on the Cedar Milers, visit
State Reps hold Town Hall
State Senator Suzanne Bonamici, and State Representatives Mitch Greenlick and Chris Harker will be available to talk to constituents on Wednesday, March 10th, at Beaverton Arts & Communication Magnet Academy from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., during a Town Hall meeting.The school is located at 11375 Southwest Center Street in Beaverton.
Citizens sought for THPRD Bond committee
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District is recruiting volunteer applicants for its Citizens Oversight Committee now through Friday, March 19.
The purpose of the 12-member committee is to ensure delivery of the park district's overall bond measure obligations; they do not focus on specific projects or activities. The most recent measure, Park Bond Measure 34-156 for $100 million, was approved by voters in November 2008.
Terms of service are two years, with members eligible for reappointments to two additional terms. The oversight committee meets at least twice per year. Applicants must be residents within the park district boundaries.
To obtain an application form, visit and print one from the Web site at Forms may also be requested by calling 503-645-6433, or visiting the district administration office in person at 15707 S.W. Walker Road.