CMBA Member News
Get your Voodoo at Poppa’s!
Love those Voodoo Doughnuts? You can now get them daily at Poppa’s Haven Coffee House right here in Cedar Mill! With their wonderful “Sleepy Monk” coffee, Wi-Fi, and friendly service, you don’t need to leave the neighborhood to get your maple-bacon (and other popular flavors) fix. Let Jerry know you want them to keep stocking these treats.
Sunset Credit Union—Happy 50th!
Sunset Credit Union has been around for 50 years! Come celebrate with us at our Annual Meeting on April 21st at the Leedy Grange Hall from 11:30 – 1 (CU Members only, come in and join today!) We’ll have giveaways, lunch and prizes. Visit our website for details:
Tax time tip: There’s still time to open or contribute to your IRA. This is a great way to save on your taxes. Contact Debbie at to learn more about IRAs or to contribute to your existing IRA.
Dare to Downsize
Are you or your parents faced with years of stuff in your home? Not sure how to deal with it? Learn proven strategies to facilitate the downsizing of a home or a household move from Beth Giles, a Senior Move Manager with NW Organizing Solutions. Attend one of the free events offered this month.
Senior Housing Fair- Thursday, April 8th, 10-12 at the Milwaukie Center, 5440 SE Kellogg Creek Drive, Milwaukie, OR
Connections 50+ Expo- Sunday, April 11th, 11am-4pm at the Vancouver Hilton Hotel & Convention Center, 301 W 6th Street, Vancouver, WA
“Daring to Downsize” seminar- Tuesday, April 27th, 6-7 pm at the Sunset Credit Union, 1100 NW Murray, Portland, OR. Please RSVP at cugirls@ or 503-643-1335.
For more information on these events or about downsizing/moving contact Beth at 503-709-0791, or More information available at
Pars Market moves up front!
Pars Market, purveyor of wonderful Mediterranean edibles, has leased the front space in the new building at 12923 NW Cornell. They’ll be expanding their selection and opening a deli/coffee shop that will take advantage of the roll-up door for sidewalk café service.
The new space will be 30% larger than their current shop at the back end of the building. They’re adding refrigerator and freezer space to provide more fresh and frozen food and beverages, along with their current selection of imported and specialty foods from all those healthy and delicious Mediterranean cuisines, including Persian, Lebanese, French, Greek and Israeli foods.
They will be moving in early May, so plan to join us for a CMBA ribbon cutting celebration. Meanwhile, stop in and see what they have, and enjoy a cup of Caffe Umbria coffee or espresso.
Flea Market at Leedy Grange
Starting June 5, Leedy Grange will sponsor a monthly Flea Market. Anyone can sell items, so if you dread the mess of having a garage sale, bring your stuff to the hall. Or if you make crafts or collect collectibles, consider joining us on a regular basis.
Vendors will pay a flat $10 fee for a table, and do their own selling with no commission. Leedy Grange will publicize the event and provide some tables.
The market will be held on the first Saturday of every month except December. For more information or to sign up, call Marc Leuthold, 503-646-1631.
OCAC meets fundraising goal
The Oregon College of Art and Craft has completed a fund-raising drive that brought in $14.6 million over the last four years. By meeting the goal, the school will receive a $900,000 challenge grant from the Kresge Foundation. The college earned the grant by meeting the March 31 deadline.
The 103-year-old college provides four-year bachelor’s of fine arts degrees, a three-year certificate program and a one-year post baccalaureate certificate program.
Free Family Photo Days
Just in time for Mother’s Day, Sandy Sahagian, a professional photographer located in Cedar Mill, will be offering a free family portrait photo session on Friday, April 16th from 9:30 - 4:00 and Saturday, April 17th from 10-2 at Sunset Science Park Federal Credit Union.
Space is limited—reservations are required! Reserve your spot today by emailing Sunset Credit Union at or by calling them at 503-643-1335. Each family will receive a FREE 8 X 10 professional photograph of their family. Pets are welcome to be a part of the photo!
Get rewarded for helping a friend!
Electronics Unlimited has started a new referral program for the Cedar Mill area. Is your neighbor looking to get that awful virus or spyware off of their computer? Or perhaps you know someone that needs their computer cleaned up before the teenager goes off to college? Referrals are the highest compliment that our business receives.
If you refer someone to us and they complete an appointment, you will receive $20. For referrals 1-3, you will get $20 for each. For referral 4, you will get $35. For more info call us at (503) 848-9191.
Free “Character Spin” toothbrush
World of Smiles, Pediatric Dentistry is happy to announce we have added new members to our growing practice. We welcome Dental Assistant Brittany and Scheduling Coordinator Sandy to our team. Brittany’s kind heart and friendly spirit allow her to communicate well with children. Sandy’s years of experience in the dental world and fluency in Spanish make her a valuable asset.
To celebrate their arrival, World of Smiles will be offering a free Character Spin Brush for any new patient who comes in for an exam and mentions this article. Learn more about our office by calling 503-626-9700 or checking out our website: And Smile!! It’s Contagious!
Cedar Mill Chiropractic—new hours, new staff
Our office hours are changing starting April 6, 2010. We will now be open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:30-6:00 and Tuesdays from 8:30-noon.
Dr. David Avolio is joining the staff at and will be seeing patients on Tuesday mornings and Fridays. He is a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician with advanced training in evaluation and management of sports injuries. He is also available to provide on-site care at sporting events, which he will provide for free as a public service. Please call 503-646-3393 to schedule with Dr. Avolio or for more information about having chiropractic services at your event.
Dr. McCabe will be out on maternity leave starting at the end of April and returning in July. Dr. Katanah Grossman and Dr. David Avolio will provide care during regular office hours while Dr. McCabe is gone.
Colors of Provence in Cedar Mill
Mireille Nett, Couleurs de Provence, has received a shipment of beautiful runners, bread baskets and aprons from a new supplier in Provence. With summer on the horizon, it’s also time to think about your outdoor table—picture it with wonderful coated or cotton tablecloths from Provence—bright and cheerful colors, convenience and easy care.
Host a Couleurs de Provence party and introduce your friends and neighbors to these wonderful items, then choose a gift for yourself! Mireille says, “You just need friends to share the fun, a couple of hours and a place for me to set up my tablecloths, placemats, lavender gifts and more...I will take care of the food and drinks and I give 10% of my sale to the hostess on the day of the party in items in stock.”
Call now to set up a party (week end or week days) and earn your tablecloth for the summer! (503) 679-1681.
Virtue of the Month: Joyfulness!
“Joy gives us wings”!
Delaram Adyani, of the Virtues Project Portland, invites you to join her for the Virtues DVD presentation: Joyfulness! for Parents and families: Tuesday April 27th: 10 am at Rose Springs Center for the Healing Arts. Call 503-267-0202 for details.
She continues, "Have you done a Virtues Pick lately? Our beautiful Virtues Tree, with all 52 Virtue Cards is now available (rent-free) for display in your shop, school or place of reflection. Add beauty, inspiration and joy to your day. Call us for availability."
We are now on Face Book! Join our fans and enter to win a free set of Virtues Cards in April. Enter “Virtues Connection Portland” in the Facebook search panel. The 200th Fan will receive a free set of Virtues Cards. ($17 value, NOW available in Spanish, French or English)."
Rave in the Nave –Kid Power!
Christ United Methodist Church is proud to present Oregon’s stars of tomorrow with performances by Eugene’s children’s theater troupe The Upstart Crows and Beaverton’s Arts & Communications Magnet Academy’s celebrated Dance West.
Performance at the church, in the heart of Cedar Mill, Saturday, April 10th, 7:30 pm. Tickets are $15 at the door or in advance at the church office, 12755 NW Dogwood Street. Visit for more information.