Volume 8, Issue 4 | April 2010 |
Community Announcements
CPO 1 joins BeavertonFor the May 4 meeting, CPO 1 will be joining the Beaverton CCI/Neighborhood Program for a forum of candidates for local county offices. The place and time have not yet been announced, so we’ll send out that information in our next CMBA Bulletin. Be sure to sign up at cedarmill.org/news/signup to be on the list for the Bulletin. New Montessori School forming in Cedar MillA group of parents and teachers will hold an informational meeting on Sunday, April 11, 1 pm. at Trillium Hollow Cohousing, 9601 NW Leahy Rd. For more information, contact Dominique Hoffman. dominique.hoffman@gmail.com. 503-297-2702. NAMI art show and fundraiserBales Thriftway Cedar Mill is co-sponsoring a Pancake Breakfast and Art Show fundraiser for NAMI of Washington County (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Saturday, April 10th at the Beaverton Elks Lodge, 3500 SW 104th Ave. from 9 am to 1 pm. Cost is $7.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. Art work and a booklet of writing and art produced by persons and family members whose lives are impacted by mental illness will be available for $5. For more information, contact Paul Lizundia, NAMI Vice President, 503-645-3412 or paulsyd1@aol.com Stepables at Cedar Mill Garden Club
These tiny-but-tough ground-covers come in a multitude of forms for sun and shade, rock-gardens and between stepping stones or just in a little spot where you need some color. You will be surprised at their many uses. For more on Stepables see stepables.com. Visit the Cedar Mill Garden Club website at thecedarmillgardenclub.org or contact Barb at (503) 649-7741. All gardeners are welcome to enjoy our meetings. Our 7th Annual Plant Sale featuring well rooted perennials, herbs and native plants will be May 7th and 8th from 9-5 both days, so mark your calendars. Also if you have extra plants to donate as you divide them this spring, give us a call. In addition to our usual plants this year, we have five clumps of beautiful vine maples. The sale benefits the JQA Young House, scholarships and local botanical gardens. Trees and Low Impact DevelopmentThursday, April 22, 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to the second event in a series of free presentations about trees in the urban environment. Sheila Greenlaw-Fink, executive director of Community Partners for Affordable Housing, and Brian Wegener, of Tualatin Riverkeepers, will speak about the challenges and rewards of low-impact development. Topics will include design and placement of structures, selection and placement of trees and landscaping, and long-term benefits and concerns. The presentation will be held at the Beaverton Resource Center, 12500 SW Allen Blvd., Beaverton (Corner of Hall and Allen). The presentation will be preceded by a Joint CPO Tree Code business meeting at 6:00 p.m., also open to anyone who is interested. The Joint CPO Tree Code Group is a group of citizens with an interest in urban forestry policy within unincorporated Washington County. For more information, please contact Margot Barnett, 503-821-1114 or margot.barnett@oregonstate.edu Spring Kites and Celebration of Hispanic Culture at Museum Free Family DayDate & Time: Saturday, April 10th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Location: Washington County Museum Cost: Free! Learn about history, art and culture in a fun day packed with activities for kids of all ages! On April 10th, make a fish kite or design your own to build and fly. We’ll also have cloth doll making and culture themed printmaking activities. Centro Cultural, whose mission is to promote cultural consciousness and understanding among diverse groups of the community, will also participate. Free admission, snacks and juice. Donations welcome. The Museum’s current exhibits will also be open for viewing: “This Kalapuya Land” highlights local Native American cultures, “Oregon Archaeology Celebration: Invitations to the Past” is a new poster exhibition, and in the Print Arts Northwest Gallery, "Exploring Variations: Recent Collagraph Monoprints by James Minden" is on display. Sponsored by the PGE Foundation and Beaverton Bakery. Contact: By phone at 503-645-5353, Info@WashingtonCountyMuseum.org, or visit www.WashingtonCountyMuseum.org Oregon Archaeology Celebrations Poster Exhibit OpensA traveling exhibition highlighting the significance of Oregon archaeology is now on display at the Washington County Museum. Each year since 1994, the Oregon Archaeology Celebration (OAC) committee has designed a unique poster for its month-long celebration that features activities all over the state in October. In 2008 the OAC committee created an exhibit called "Oregon Archaeology Celebrations: Invitations to the Past" to bring attention to archaeology in Oregon, and to showcase its beautiful collection of posters. The exhibit contains 15 framed posters. Each features an aspect of Oregon archaeology such as preservation of shipwrecks and shell middens, technologies through time, archaeological evidence of climate change, volunteers in archaeology, Fort Rock Cave, the Oregon Trail, and Champoeg. A new poster is added every year. The goal of the exhibit is to show that Oregon has a rich archaeological past worth supporting and protecting, and that the public is invited to activities celebrating Oregon archaeology every October. The traveling exhibit has been on display at the Columbia River Maritime Museum in Astoria, the High Desert Museum in Bend, the Newberg Library, Tamastslikt Cultural Institute in Pendleton, and OMSI in Portland. After stopping at the Washington County Museum this Spring, it will be exhibited at the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians "Seven Feathers" Casino in Canyonville from June through August. "Oregon Archaeology Celebrations: Invitations to the Past" will be on display in the Collins gallery at the Washington County Museum through May 29, 2010. Dates & Times: Museum Hours Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Exhibit run dates April 1-May 29, 2010. Location: Washington County Museum (17677 NW Springville Road, Portland, OR 97229) located on the campus of PCC Rock Creek. The Museum is wheelchair accessible and located on TriMet bus routes 52 and 67. Cost: Admission is $3.00 for adults, $2.00 for Seniors and Children ages 6-17. Admission is free on Mondays and during certain events. Always free to WCM members, employees of corporate members, and PCC. Coalition for a Livable Future’s 8th Annual Regional Livability Summit - Building Alliances to Get ResultsThe 8th Annual Regional Livability Summit provides community leaders, advocates, government staff, elected officials, students, teachers and the multi-faceted Portland-Vancouver public an important opportunity to propel the notion of "what it takes to get the results we want... results on equity, on sustainability, on prosperity". At the Summit, we will celebrate our collective progress, engage in initiatives that are underway, identify where we are falling short, debate new strategies and strengthen the relationships we need to achieve our goal of improving the health of the Earth and all of us who live here. It would be great to have people from the Cedar Mill community to join us this year and participate in a Green Jobs/Economy discussion and one or more break-out sessions taking place at this year’s Summit. Thursday, April 29th, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Keynote Speaker: Alan Jenkins - Executive Director of The Opportunity Agenda, a communications, research, and policy organization dedicated to building the national will to expand opportunity for all.Coalition for a Livable Future is also co-promoting a number of events hosted by Coalition Members and Partners as part of our “Equity Action Days”. If you’d like to find out more about how you can participate in this collaborative effort—either to promote your organization’s related activities, or to engage as a volunteer—please contact Summit Organizer, Nicole Powell at nicole@clfuture.org or call 503-294-2889. To Register and for more information go to clfuture.org/events or call Summit Organizer, Nicole Powell 503-294-2889; email nicole@clfuture.org
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