Food and sustainability course
Leedy Grange will offer a free, six-week discussion course, “Menu for the Future,” at the Grange Hall starting May 3, and continuing through June 7, 7-9 pm. This course, from the Northwest Earth Institute (NWEI,, will cover the history, economics and culture of food in America and help individuals become more conscious about their food choices.
The course is based around a workbook, produced by NWEI, with readings and brief “homework” projects that are discussed and shared in the weekly group sessions. Course goals include an exploration of food systems and their impacts on culture, society and ecological systems; insight into agricultural and individual practices that promote personal and ecological well-being; consideration of your role in creating or supporting sustainable food systems. It will be a great way for families to learn more about making food choices that model sustainable behavior.
The set of workbooks, which normally cost $20 each, have been donated by Partners for a Sustainable Washington County Community (PSWCC), a coalition of 11 governments that furthers sustainability in the region. They are purchasing sets of all the NWEI discussion courses, which will be available for borrowing from county library branches through the inter-library loan program. Cedar Mill Library is providing the course through its Book Club Kit program.
There are only ten books in the set, so if you’re interested, let us know now through the signup form at, or call 503-803-1813.