Spring Fair at the Grange
The second annual Spring Fair at Leedy Grange will bring art and crafts, plants, bbq and sustainability information together for a fun Earth Day weekend, April 20-22. The event opens on Friday from noon-5 pm, with the Earth Day Information Fair in the dining area and the Art & Craft Fair in the main hall.
These are joined on Saturday with a plant sale in the parking lot that will feature organically-grown and local heirloom vegetable and herb starts from Viridian Farms and some native perennials from Bosky Dell to kick-start your summer garden. The plant sale is from 9-5.
Also on Saturday, we're joined by local bbq stars Burnt Ends with their big grill out front serving up savory sandwiches and sides to eat here, or bulk meat to take home and freeze for parties and quick dinners. They'll have pulled pork and brisket in bulk, and if you want something special (smoked turkey? Ribs?) just call or email them in advance and they should be able to accommodate: burntendsbbq@msn.com / 503-641-6680.
Vendors in the art & craft sale include some of your favorites from the Cedar Mill Farmers Market, including glass artist Ron Roden and Couleurs de Provence's Mireille Nett with her lovely fabrics, also ceramics from Mami Yamada, the delightful origami items from Carolyn Woody, and lots more, many items made from recycled materials!
The Information Fair will have displays and literature to help you become a better steward of our land, water and air, including recycling info, watershed tips, and gardening advice.
We'll wrap up on Sunday from 11-3, with the Information Fair and the Arts & Crafts. Plan to stop in and pick up gifts for spring and summer occasions, unique items for your home, and much more, as well as have the chance to learn something! More information at leedygrange.org.