Volume 13, Issue 4 | April 2015 |
Business News
Bales Annual Easter Egg Hunt!Saturday, April 4, 8 am, Bales Marketplace Cedar Mill Don’t miss this Cedar Mill tradition: Hunt around the store for eggs. All children between 2 and 10 years old are welcome to participate! There will be free candy and prizes, so don’t miss out! Other upcoming events at Bales Marketplace: Spring Wine and Food Show, Saturday May 2, 3-7 pm First Thursday Wellness Sale, Thursday, May 7: All Wellness supplements and body care items 20% off.
Cedar Mill clean upSaturday, May 2, 7-9 am, at the Cornell Road “overlook” west of the Cut Above/Coldwell Seal office. Come and enjoy the fresh spring morning and help us maintain the landscaping on our “main street.” Coffee and treats provided by Donuts Plus. The work is fun and the results are immediate! Cedar Mill will shine after just two hours with your help. Age 12 and over, please. BRING: Gloves and your favorite rake, shovel and weeding tool. SUPPLIED: Reflective vests ~ tools ~ Morning treats, delicious coffee and water Your Cedar Mill Business Association sponsors this event. See you there!
Leedy Grange Flea Market newsFirst Saturday of each month, 10 am-3 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman The Flea Market, sponsored by Leedy Grange, has changed the closing time to 3 pm. The table fee has been raised to $15. For more information, visit the website, leedygrange.org or contact Market Manager Jeanine Claar at cedarmillfelamarket@gmail.com Wine Cellar Coravin—High-End Wines by the GlassWednesday- Saturday, 11 am-9 pm The Wine Cellar has great news; the Coravin Wine Systems have (finally) arrived! They have one available as a demo and also have them available for retail sales at $299 each. What is the Coravin? It is a hand-held device which allows you to extract a small or large amount of wine from a sealed wine bottle by replacing the wine with argon gas through a very thin needle. Bottles are still sealed and, despite having had wine removed, are still considered unopened and age as such. The Coravin allows The Wine Cellar to now offer 30 high-end wines, by the ounce for tasting, or by the glass. Because the bottles are not opened, they can offer these samples and glasses as a fraction of the cost you'd normally see at a restaurant environment. The one-ounce samples allow you to taste an expensive wine before you buy it, insuring that you're not wasting money on a wine that you don't love. The Coravin allows you better control when you drink your high-end wine. You can now remove just a tiny sample of a bottle to see how well it is aging, and if it's ready to be opened and enjoyed. It also allows you to enjoy high-end wines without having to open the whole bottle. This is the most exciting application because you no longer risk wasting expensive wines by opening and not finishing a bottle, and it also helps with portion control, because you won't feel the pressure to not waste the wine. Imagine having a glass of exactly what you want, what you're in the mood for, what pairs with your meal and having the exact amount that you want. That's fantastic! The new Coravin wine system will be fully running by April 1st. Guests can enjoy nearly 50 wines at The Wine Cellar. Please come by and take a look at their demo or buy a glass of Silver Oak Alexander Valley ($35) or Caymus ($25). Put your business on a banner!CMBA’s “Welcome to Cedar Mill” boulevard banners define the center of Cedar Mill, and define a community that is a great place to work, shop and live. Now you can put your business name under the lights! Our new and larger banners allow for you to put your business name on one or two sides of the banner 365 days a year. The boulevard banner program is offered twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. A waiting list for the spring campaign has begun. You may request a specific light pole, but first come, first pick! For $300, you get your name on one side of a banner, and you’re also sponsoring the winter décor and a summer flower basket. For $500, you get your business name on both sides of a banner. The benefits of belonging to the Cedar Mill Business Association (CMBA) are growing. Let’s continue to grow and meet the needs of all who work, shop and live in Cedar Mill! For more information please contact: Joanne Hollister, Mountain Man Nut & Fruit Co. 503-701-4005 Farmer’s Insurance has expanded and renovated their office! Joseph LaParne at the office is very excited!In addition, he has also taken on a new restaurant insurance specialist in his agency. Her name is Jessi, and she will be a huge asset to his operation. As a former restaurant owner who experienced a large fire loss/claim, she will be able to bring a ton of value to local restaurant owners in the way of insurance protection. Farmer’s Insurance is diving head first into the restaurant portion of the commercial insurance arena and now we have expanded knowledge and experience in this field. For more information contact Joseph LaParne at his office 971-228-8966 or email him at jlaparne@farmersagent.com. Farm Store Open House, spring hoursSaturday, April 25, 9 am-4 pm, Dinihanian Farm Market, 15005 NW Cornell Suzanne Ballard, Farm Manager, is busy organizing a local food fair and open house at the Farm Store. Local food producers will be on hand to provide samples, do demos, and answer questions. Put it on your calendar now, and check their website and Facebook page for details The Farm Store at Dinihanian Farms is open now on an abbreviated schedule, every Wednesday-Friday, 10 am- 3 pm. They have a variety of items for sale. Check the Winter Market link on their website for a listing of available goods each week. They would appreciate it if anyone who wants to pick up greens, eggs, honey, coffee, seasoned firewood, etc. could call or text 503-432-6235 to place an order. That way they can be sure to have your goods here to be picked up on Fridays. You are welcome to stop by any time they are in but they unfortunately can't guarantee to have all items if you don't order ahead. The signup for 2015 CSA is now underway as well! Don't miss out on your spot for the season to get weekly boxes of fresh produce! You can join online at their website or send in your application. You can come by the farm and sign up in person, too. They take all forms of payment in the farm office, too. Email suzanne.ballard@dinihanian.com with orders, questions, etc. and visit yourcsa.com. 15 Years of Yoga!Sunset Yoga Center is celebrating! Join them Sunday, April 26, from 1:30-3 pm for an open house, food and fun! Contact Nina Pileggi, 503-539-4504 for more information. Eight Saturdays, beginning April 18, 12 pm-1 pm, $130 Experiencing Compassion in our Daily Lives: Living with Tenderness, Fierceness, and Wisdom: An eight-week skills-development course with Kim Voyle, Ph.D. State of the art science has established that from the moment we are born until the moment we die, our experience of compassion will directly shape how healthy, happy and effective we can be. Increasingly, we find compassion to be a central and active process in psychological change and human well-being. As the Dalai Lama has said, “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” The basis for this training has been developed by Dr. Paul Gilbert of the University of Derby, in the United Kingdom who has spent many years with a number of other psychologists researching ways to apply compassion to many areas of life including self-criticism, depression, worry, anxiety, management in organizations, and many other areas of human experience. He developed Compassionate Mind Training, a systematic mode of training the mind to cultivate mindfulness, compassion and the ability to take effective action to prevent and alleviate the suffering we find in our world and in ourselves. This workshop will be focused around personal practice. It will enable people to gain personal experience of various mindfulness and compassion practices drawn from a combination of Western therapeutic and Buddhist approaches as outlined in Mindful Compassion (2013) by Paul and Choden. This practice workshop will introduce a range of breathing, body focusing, and imagery practices in a step-by-step way that supports the development of a mindful compassionate self, and learning how to focus it for the benefit of self and others. For more information visit sunsetyoga.com. Shop to Support Pets!Do you like to shop and donate at the same time? Then make sure to stop in at Pet Barn during April to support Animal Rescue & Care Fund by buying some high-quality dog or cat food! Pet Barn and NutriSource Pet Foods have teamed up to raise funds for the local pet rescue organization, and all you have to do is buy a bag of NutriSource pet food for your own pet! Donations will be $1, $3, and $5 depending on if you buy a small, medium, or large bag. Plus, they will also be accepting dog and cat food donations at the store to donate to the shelter. So make sure to stop in at Pet Barn, located next to Bale's Marketplace, during the month of April and see the donations grow! Animal Rescue & Care Fund website: pdx-petadoption.org Other events happening at Pet Barn during April—bring your dogs to sample food, or take home samples from various companies:Friday, April 10, 9:30-1:30—Primal food sampling: primalpetfoods.com Saturday, April 11, 10-2— Primal food sampling; 1:30-4:30—Stella & Chewy's food sampling stellaandchewys.com Saturday, April 18, 1:00-2:30 —Good Neighbor Mobile Vet: goodneighborvet.com Sunday, April 19, noon-4 pm—Northwest Naturals food sampling: cms.nw-naturals.net/raw/index.php Saturday, April 25, 10-2—Primal food sampling Sunday, April 26, noon-3 pm—Stella & Chewy's Food Sampling: stellaandchewys.com UPS Business Card PromotionMarch 16- April 11 The UPS store is offering 500 business cards for $9.99! You get 3.5” x 2”, single-sided, white high gloss, full color, premium 14pt paper, but it does not include shipping. They want you to know with this competitive price, that The UPS Store #3379 is in the print business. They’re your Small Business Resource Center! Order the cards at theupsstorelocal.com/3379. Village Gallery of ArtsTuesday-Saturday, 10 am-4 pm; Sunday 12-4 pm, 12505 NW Cornell, next to the Cedar Mill Library Monthly Artists Reception and Open House
Sunday, April 12, 2-4 pm Drop in and meet their members and this month’s featured artist: Darla Boljat. Darla Kay Boljat grew up in Tigard and currently calls Sherwood home. She paints and teaches both acrylic and oil painting classes in her home studio. D.K. says “I love Oregon’s beautiful landscapes. I could paint scenery here for the rest of my life and still never finish painting all the wonderful sties Oregon has to offer.” Sixth Annual Art ChallengeRegistration for Village Gallery’s annual Art Challenge was held on Friday, February 27 and all spots were filled by the end of the day. Over 100 local emerging and established artists have registered and are now working on their four six-inch square canvases, which will be completed in time for the Art Challenge Show in May. During the month of May, all work will be on display, and for sale at the gallery. Don’t miss the opportunity to see this popular display, which always delights visitors with its variety of techniques and subject matter. Classes and WorkshopsComplete class details available at villagegalleryarts.org. Children’s Art ClassesMondays, 3:30-4:30 pm, ages 7-11 years, $40/month Mondays, 4:45-5:45 pm, ages 11-14 years, $40/month Wednesdays, 3:45-4:45 pm, ages 7-11 years, $30/month Children learn a variety of artistic techniques in this weekly class. Instructor Kristi Roberts will explore where each individual student is starting, in addition to developing the group’s existing artist abilities. Students will have opportunities to try out different mediums to discover what they enjoy. Units will be covered in drawing, watercolor, acrylic, pastels, clay and mixed media. Fine art concepts and techniques will be included with each lesson. This is a weekly class and registration is at the beginning of every month. Kristi Roberts: kristisfineart.com. Beginning to intermediate watercolorWednesdays, April 1, 8, 15, May 13, 20, 27, Jun 3, 10, 17. 9:30 am- 12:30 pm. $180 for 6 classes. This class is for beginning to intermediate watercolor painters who are looking for ongoing, structured instruction in the basics of this dynamic medium. Each class will consist of an informative, hands-on lesson in watercolor technique and design, followed by individual help with planning and developing your own paintings. Please join in for a fun and friendly introduction to watercolor. Mary has been teaching watercolor since 1999 and is known for her informative, friendly lessons. Comprehensive hand-outs help illustrate concepts to ensure student success. Mary Burgess: maryburgessart.com Unlock your creative potentialMonday, March 30. 9:30 am-12 pm. $40. Develop a strong painting from your creative ideas. Create a small painting or drawing using Linda’s simple exercises. Linda will demo samples of the latest ideas she has been exploring, as well as stronger design concepts and then work with artists to develop their own creative path. Bring your sketchbook, pencil or painting supplies you already use. Linda Rothchild-Ollis You can do itTuesdays, April 7, 21, 28, May 5 and 19. 1- 4 pm; $150/ 5 classes Planning and developing an interesting, fun, beautiful, creative painting takes enthusiasm, practice, a positive attitude, and a willingness to experiment. Join Chris’s class and get inspired. Chris has a “never-give-up” attitude and many of the paintings she struggled with turned out to be award winners. Yours can too! Chris Keylock-Williams: chriskeylockwilliams.com Adventures in Acrylic PaintingSaturday, April 25,9:30 am-4:30 pm. $80 plus $15 supply fee Fluids, heavy body, high flows, medium, pastes, gessoes and grounds! it’s all so confusing. In this class we will touch on a sampling of all these things. Students will learn about the different acrylic media as they build a painting layer by layer. Texture will be formed in many ways including the use of miscellaneous media and other household items. Together these ingredients create a richly textured painting. Students will develop an understanding of how to make many different acrylic mediums work better for them in their art work. Design qualities of a non-representational work is an integral part of the class. Jacqueline is a visiting instructor from Cincinnati, Ohio. Jacqueline Sullivan: jacquelinesullivan.com Advanced PapermakingSaturday, May 2, 10 am-1 pm; $50, all supplies included. At the beginning of the day, students will make paper out of natural materials, such as hay, onion skins and other plants. Then they’ll explore the use of special paper pigments to add a rainbow of colors. The instructor will demonstrate how to make three dimensional objects out of cast paper and, during the rest of the workshop, students will have a chance to experiment and make individual creative paper artwork of their own. If students would like to add their own favorite materials to their paper, they should bring them. Patricia Cheyne: art-by-cheyne.com Using Handmade Paper in BooksSaturday, May 9, 10 am-1 pm; $50, all supplies included. Students will learn the many different ways of using handmade paper in books, which includes wet binding, decorative addition or 3D objects to enhance your books. There will be plenty of examples shown to inspire and help students to develop their own books. Patricia Cheyne: art-by-cheyne.com Acrylic Explorations on Canvas Board & PaperThursday, June 4, 10 am – 2 pm; $60 includes all supplies but an apron Create a small 5 x 7 inch painting (or several) in this one-day workshop, and learn some new methods of applying acrylic paint on prepared papers and canvas boards. This workshop is ideal for all levels of painters, even if you have no experience with acrylics. You’ll learn fool-proof methods of painting without fear. Liz will guide you every step of the way providing templates, color suggestions and ideas for adding texture and pattern to your piece. Explore composition, atmospheric layers and textures, with a bit of mixed media/collage. Liz Walker: lizwalkerart.com.
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