Volume 13, Issue 4 | April 2015 |
Dirt! the MovieSaturday, April 18, 6:30 social; 7 pm screening, Leedy Grange Hall, free, donations welcome. Leedy Grange continues its EatSmart sustainable food movie series with DIRT! The Movie.Four billion years of evolution created dirt as the living source of all life on Earth including humans. The film, narrated by Jamie Lee Curtis, explores the relationship between humans and soil, including its necessity for human life, and impacts by society. It shares the stories of experts from all over the world who study and are able to harness the beauty and power of a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship with soil.
The film offers a vision of a sustainable relationship between humans and dirt through profiles of the global visionaries who are determined to repair the damage we've done before it's too late. There are many ways we can preserve the living skin of the earth for future generations. If you care about your food, water, the air you breathe, your health and happiness, you care about dirt! The members of Leedy Grange are bringing this series to the community to reinforce the connection between Grange’s traditional roots in agriculture, and the urban community that we serve. We may not be farmers, but we all eat, and we need to learn about all aspects of our food to ensure our family’s health and well-being. Snacks are provided before and after the screening, courtesy of the Cedar Hills New Seasons Market. We will continue with our Seed Swap following the film—it’s a fun way to get seeds for your garden, and meet other local gardeners. Bring your leftover seed packets from 2014, and/or seeds you won't need this year. Home-collected heirloom seeds are welcome too! Most seeds are good for several seasons, and most packets hold more seeds than the home garden requires. The film is all-ages appropriate, but children younger than ten may not want to sit through it, so use your judgment and consider others in the audience. The series is free and open to everyone. Donations to defray the costs of film rentals and refreshments will be gratefully accepted at the door.
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