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Kerry Eggers, popular local sports writer, has lived in the West Haven neighborhood for 17 years. He says, “I like it. Here we are, 10 minutes from downtown Portland, 10 minutes from Beaverton, but it still feels quiet and secluded. I originally..."
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Have you struggled to read the News on your phone? Have you been frustrated by having to scroll and scroll to find the stories that interest you? Help is on the horizon, but first we need everyone who enjoys the News to chip in!...
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CPO 1 April meeting in Bethany; Neighborhood meeting...
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Cedar Mill History Club; Living History for the Cider Festival...
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PGE removes trees near Sunset Park on Cornell; Bluffs Park maintenance;THPRD candidate forum; Help Shape the Future of THPRD—Join the Visioning Task Force...
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Depending on where you live and/or work, getting to the nearest transit stop can be challenging. Sidewalk gaps, long distances between signalized crossings, poor lighting and/or substandard bike facilities can create challenges for those using public transportation...
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How frustrating it is to lose a favorite plant, especially one that has been in the gardenfor years and is well loved. In our front garden is a daphne called ‘Carol Mackie.’ It issemievergreen because the leaves will be lost in very cold weather but are quickly replaced in spring...
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If you’re wondering why the final wall hasn’t been demolished on the Milltowner site, it’s a retaining wall holding back the hillside! It will be part of the grading operation, coming soon! |


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©2019 The Cedar Mill News
Published monthly by
The Cedar Mill News LLC
PO Box 91061
Portland, OR 97291
Copy Editor: John Ramey
Managing Editor: Genevieve Coblentz
Community News Editors: Cami Villanueva & Shawna Muckle
Business News editor: Emily McClaughry
SHS News editor: Auveen Hajar
Publisher/Editor: Virginia Bruce
Website Production: Georgia Stanley
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800 printed copies are distributed throughout the
Cedar Mill area. Printing courtesy of Pacific Office Automation.
Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily
of the advertisers. |