Community Announcements
Garden Club Plant Sale
The Cedar Mill Garden Club will hold their 7th Annual Plant Sale on Friday and Saturday, May 7th and 8th at the historic John Quincy Adams Young House on and Cornell Road east of the Cedar Mill Bible Church. Parking is available in the lower East parking lot of the church. Hours are from 9 am to 5 pm. both days.
The club has over 1000 one-gallon pots of well-rooted perennials, herbs, and native plants for sale this year, as well as several large clumps of vine maples and shrubs.
Proceeds from the sale go to local botanical gardens, Penny Pines Reforestation, the Oregon Garden, The John Quincy Adams Young House Foundation (for landscaping), and a scholarship for a student studying horticulture or related fields.
For more information about The Cedar Mill Garden Club contact President Barb Cushman, 503-649-7741, Plant Sale co-chair Paulette Busch, or check out our website—the
Murray-Cornell property update
It will be at least another year before this property at the southeast corner of Murray and Cornell will be offered for sale by the county. The previous owner is responsible for environmental remediation, mainly from the dry cleaners that occupied the building for many years. There will also be some final survey work to determine the exact dimensions of the lot. The county is currently using the space as a storage and staging area for some of the Saltzman Road construction work. |
OregonLive “North of 26” blog open to all
The Oregonian newspaper, in an effort to better cover local news in our area, has created the “North of 26” blog on their website, OregonLive. Anyone can sign up and post events and news to this blog.
Kjerstin Gabrielson, Community News Web Editor, says, “On ‘My North of 26,’ readers have an open invitation to blog about all of the Washington County communities north of U.S. 26, including Bethany, Cedar Mill, Rock Creek, Oak Hills and North Plains. Schools can brag about their students, volunteer organizations can call for any help they need, neighborhood associations and community groups can share news and events, and neighbors can write about life in our North of 26 territory.
“We know there are lots of good stories out there waiting to be shared. We’d also love to see people sharing their opinions and talking about issues that are important to their neighborhoods. We keep an eye on My North of 26 posts for news to feature on and also to include in The Oregonian’s printed Community News section that comes out every Saturday.
“And we monitor the public blogs for inappropriate posts that violate OregonLive’s user agreement (outlined in extended detail on the site). Essentially, we reserve the right to remove anything that’s obscene, slanderous, harassing or violent, and we delete any blatantly commercial offers or spam.”
Aikido at the Leedy Grange Hall
Aikido is a Japanese martial art founded by Morihei Ueshiba that emphasizes harmonizing with an attacker. Aikido is purely defensive and is characterized by smooth, flowing throws and joint locks. Aikido techniques utilize the momentum or force from the attacker and do not rely on strength or speed for their effectiveness. Aikido is practiced by young and old, holds no competitions, and can be incorporated into your daily life.
The Jinshinkan Aikido Dojo (practice hall) is affiliated with the Aikido Association of America, founded by Shihan Fumio Toyoda. Sean Caffee, a Second Degree Black Belt, is the current dojo cho and chief instructor. We practice at the Leedy Grange (near the corner of Saltzman and Cornell) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
You are welcome to watch a class to see if aikido is right for you. If you would like to start right away, please wear loose fitting clothing (sweats are fine). We begin class with some general warm-ups. Then we move on to doing some rolls and falls (beginners will be paired with a senior student to learn how to roll at this time). Next we begin practicing aikido techniques. The instructor demonstrates a technique and then the students pair up to practice. The instructor monitors the practice and makes sure that the students are doing the techniques in a safe and effective way.
We currently have a special introductory price for beginning students—a month of aikido instruction including an aikido gi (uniform) for only $60.00. This is a great way to attend several classes for a reasonable rate. You can find out more about our group at our web site:
Another way to see what aikido is all about is to come by the Grange and watch during our upcoming 2-day seminar in May. On May 22-23 James Nakayama, a 6th degree black belt in aikido, will be teaching the seminar for area aikidoists. You can find out more by downloading our seminar flyer.
Bonny Slope Elementary is an Energy Star
Bonny Slope Elementary School has been awarded the prestigious Energy Star® certification from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This certification is the mark of superior energy performance, which identifies it as one the most efficient buildings in the nation!
Hard work by our HVAC team and other Facilities/Maintenance/IT/Nutrition Services folks, and good energy-efficient behavior by the occupants—students, teachers and staff—have resulted in this honored award.
Flea Market at Leedy Grange
Starting June 5, Leedy Grange will sponsor a monthly Flea Market. Anyone can sell items, so if you dread the mess of having a garage sale, bring your stuff to the hall. Or if you make crafts or collect collectibles, consider joining us on a regular basis.
Vendors will pay a flat $10 fee for a table, and do their own selling with no commission. Leedy Grange will publicize the event and provide some tables.
The market will be held on the first Saturday of every month except December. For more information or to sign up, call Marc Leuthold, 503-646-1631.