From her office in Cedar Mill’s new commercial building on Cornell, Colleen provides home, auto, life, business, and umbrella policies for American Family Insurance...
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Conflicts between neighbors: loud music, noise, garbage dumping, dogs barking, children running around, blocked driveways, neglected property, harassment, false rumors...
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Washington County has lately been addressing the needs of its urban unincorporated areas (UUAs) through improved funding and attention to the needs of pedestrians and cyclists....
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Continued population growth in our area has caused all but one of the high schools in the Beaverton School District (BSD) to be over capacity...
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Metro, our area’s regional government agency, is responsible for managing the Urban Growth Boundary which specifies where urban development is allowed...
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The Nature of Cedar Mill
As I was preparing dinner, I paused to see which of my bird friends might be out and about. I saw a bird with a brilliant RED head, bright yellow body and contrasting black and white wings and knew...
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Hooray! Mother Nature is coming around to bring summer to the Willamette Valley and, lucky for us, we're reaping the benefits in the form of beautiful fruits, vegetables, flowers...
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Join your friends and neighbors for the eighth (!) annual Concert in the Park at Cedar Mill Park...
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On Saturday, July 30, The Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District’s largest community event of the year will feature the addition of the Beaverton International Celebration...
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Summer Reading programs, entertainment & more...
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