How we’ll get around
Washington County is studying the current transportation system and how it could change to better meet the long-term needs of our residents, businesses, and visitors. The result of this study will be the 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) that will create a comprehensive blueprint for all types of transportation, including freight, pedestrians and bicyclists, transit, rail networks, airport, and motor vehicles.
As part of the process, the County established an 18-member Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) to review proposed TSP revisions and give input to the County’s staff and consultants. Members of the committee represent a range of interests including freight traffic, bicyclists, and pedestrians, as well as geographic communities within the County. The public is welcome at CAC meetings, and comments are allowed at the end of each meeting. Contact your CPO 1 CAC representatives, Jake Mintz ( or Ron Jamtgaard (, for details.
In addition, community open houses were held in June to give citizens the opportunity to talk with staff and to comment on transportation priorities. A second set of open houses is planned for later in the process, and the Washington County Board of Commissioners is expected to ratify the updated TSP in 2013. See the project website at for additional information. An interactive map linked from that page asks for your suggestions for needed changes to the system.
The TSP will likely be revisited again in the next few years because of regional and state plan changes. For example, Metro's Climate Smart Communities planning initiative is likely to require local plan policy and regulatory changes as soon as 2015. So the focus of this planning effort is intended to be somewhat constrained; it will focus on major elements of the system and on updating system and policy provisions, as necessary, to achieve consistency with other jurisdictions' plans and in areas where significant change has occurred in the past ten years.