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Since 2013, Cedar Mill News has depended on the work of young interns to edit the Business News and Community News content.
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Bring your family and meet your neighbors and friends for a summer evening of fun and music. All-female Portland rock band Ashleigh Flynn and the Riveters will entertain at our annual concert in Cedar Mill Park...
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Donate Life Northwest is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to save lives and increase awareness about how to improve health through the promotion of organ, eye, and tissue donation in Oregon and Southwest Washington. After doing some research, I found out...
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After closing down the Cedar Mill History Museum last fall, the Cedar Mill Historical Society realized that the ultimate location for our collection should be the John Quincy Adams Young House...
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Teacher lay-offs; Larger class sizes; More electives and extra-curricular activities...
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Inspired by the Australian-founded initiative, the Plastic Free EcoChallenge is a 31-day global challenge to reduce and refuse single-use plastics. It is provided locally by the Northwest Earth Institute and supported by zoos and aquariums nationwide...
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July meeting: Air pollution in CPO 1; Life Time Fitness appeal;
Neighborhood Meetings:
Burton Road two-parcel partition; Copeland Street two-parcel partition; Park Way mixed use multifamily development (redevelopment of Cedar Hills Shopping Center); SW 90th and Morrison two-lot partition; Catlin Gabel plans for Art & Craft campus...
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Saltzman Road north end improvements planning to begin; Open House for West Union/Thompson sidewalk project...
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©2019 The Cedar Mill News
Published monthly by
The Cedar Mill News LLC
PO Box 91061
Portland, OR 97291
Copy Editor: John Ramey
Managing Editor: Genevieve Coblentz
Community News Editors: Cami Villanueva, & Shawna Muckle
Business News editor: Emily McClaughry
SHS News editor: Auveen Hajar
Publisher/Editor: Virginia Bruce
Website Production: Georgia Stanley
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800 printed copies are distributed throughout the
Cedar Mill area. Printing courtesy of Pacific Office Automation.
Opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily
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