CMBA Member News
Market vendor brings France to Cedar Mill
New CMBA member Mireille Nett has been selling fabrics, herbs and other goodies that she imports from her native Provence from a booth at the Cedar Mill Farmers’ Market for many years. Her business, Coleurs de Provence, has just opened a new website, where visitors can learn about Provence and purchase selected items including children’s clothing and table linens.
Is your pet the next star?
Bring a favorite photo of your pet into Sunset Credit Union and it could be featured on a bag of treats at Pet Barn!
So you think your pet is the cutest, funniest, most adorable creature on the planet? Prove it!
Now until September 15th, bring your favorite pet photo into Sunset Science Park Federal Credit Union and if it’s chosen as the winner, your pet will be featured on bags of specialty treats sold at Pet Barn.
Owner Larry Weisgerber and the gang at Pet Barn will judge all photos and determine the winners. If you’re ready for your pet to be the next star, bring your photo into Sunset Science Park Federal Credit Union at 1100 NW Murray Rd # 200 (across from McDonald’s). No photos will be accepted by mail!
Finalists will also be featured in the October issue of the Cedar Mill News. Hurry, you only have until September 15th to get your photo into the credit union! For complete contest rules, visit Sunset Credit Union.
The UPS store helps you take control for a stress-free move
by Tim Kimble
It’s moving season and Americans are once again facing the stress of packing their lives into boxes and hoping everything arrives in one piece. It’s estimated that 42 million Americans move each year and average 11.7 moves in their lifetime, with more than 20 percent of those moves ending in a different state.
Once you choose that perfect home, the packing professionals at The UPS Store® want to help ensure that your precious household items arrive in one piece. Despite notable fears about broken items, a majority of Americans still try to get by with packing items in newspaper, clothes, sheets, towels or blankets, or tissue paper, rather than seeking professional recommendations on packing supplies.
Don’t dumpster dive. Instead of digging through the dumpster at a local supermarket looking for used boxes, which aren’t sturdy enough to withstand a move, come to The UPS Store® and get a great deal on new boxes of all sizes, specially engineered to withstand the stress of a move. Moving boxes are on sale for 50% off until the end of August.
Buy enough of the right materials. By using the right packaging materials, including bubble pack and foam packaging peanuts, there is less of a chance that your dishes or family heirlooms will end up in pieces. After you’re settled into your new home or apartment, bring your clean foam packaging peanuts to your nearby UPS Store for reuse.
Leave it to professionals to handle large, expensive or irreplaceable items. The UPS Store® offers freight services, which can be an affordable and reliable alternative to standard movers.
For those move-it-yourselfers, The UPS Store® carries all types of moving supplies, such as small, medium and large boxes, dish pack and wardrobe boxes, packaging tape, bubble pack, and foam packaging peanuts. Additionally, many movers take advantage of the mailbox services at The UPS Store®, including mail receiving and mail forwarding, which are especially useful for people moving into temporary housing.
The UPS Store® is located at 10940 SW Barnes Rd. and is open Monday thru Friday 9 am to 7pm and Saturday 9 am to 5 pm. For more information, call 503-646-9999 or visit our website at
A water challenge
Jim Craig’s Westside Martial Arts, 13496 NW Cornell Rd. is in the business of challenging people to push their limits. However, in this summer heat, you have to exercise common sense as well as your body. Pace yourself and relegate your outdoor projects to either the cooler early mornings or early evenings. Drink lots of water! We all know, water is life. So let’s not waste it.
Water your garden in the early morning or evening, avoid watering in the heat of the day as you will lose most of the water due to evaporation. Is it really necessary to power wash your driveway? Since the lawn doesn’t provide humans with food, hold off on watering the lawn. Grass goes dormant in the summer heat anyway and will green up again in the fall.
Here’s a challenge for all you home owners: Start rationing water now, before the County mandates it. Global warming is very real, and water will become a valuable commodity. Please don’t waste it! Conservation of our resources will go a long way towards maintaining our quality of life, so be the first one on your block to start.
Teach your children that our bodies are 70% water, not soda pop, and that water needs to be replenished. Drink lots of water. Try putting a few drops of lemon or lime juice in a glass of water, or a sprig of mint for a refreshing change of pace.
Make healthy choices, for you, your family, and the planet. I look forward to seeing all of you at the Concert in the Park at Cedar Mill Park on August 6th.
Cedar Mill Car Show
The Cedar Mill Bible Church parking lot will be filled with classic, nostalgic and unique cars Saturday, August 8, from 11 am-4 pm. You’ll see a great variety of cars from Corvettes to Camaros, from Isettas to Morgans, from Ferraris to Porsches, plus trucks and motorcycles. The entry fee is a canned food item for the CMBC Family Food Pantry.
There will be live music and a barbecue. Plus, everyone who comes gets a ballot and a chance to cast their vote for their favorite ride. If you have an interesting car or know of someone who does, sign up by calling 503-644-3156. If not, invite your friends and neighbors to come along for a ride down memory lane. Cedar Mill Bible Church is located at 12208 NW Cornell Rd.
Bag even bigger savings at Second Edition
Second Edition will be having our annual summer clearance sale beginning August 1, with 25% off EVERYTHING from August 1-3. We will reduce our stock to 50% off from August 4-13. On Friday, August 14, we will offer a never-before sale price of 75% off. Saturday, August 15 is our $7 Bag Sale. Stuff a bag with bargains and pay only $7.
We will be closed on Sunday, August 16 for cleaning and restocking of fall merchandise. We will re-open on Monday, August 17, at noon with our annual Back to School theme.
Second Edition is the primary fundraiser for the Cedar Mill Community Library. If you’ve never been in, we encourage you to support your local library while saving money on great buys of new or gently used household items, clothing, art, jewelry, and collectables.
Kobudo Workshop
Saturday, August 15 from 1-4 pm at Westside Martial Arts, Jim Craig will conduct a Kobudo (weapons) Workshop. Learn the history, application, and the art (kata) for either Choun no kun (Bo kata), Ushi Komesu no nunchaku sho (nunchaku), or Matayoshi Shinpo no tonfa shodan (tonfa).
This Workshop is for all martial artists who want to either widen their repertoire for tournament kata, are just beginning and want a new way to have fun with the martial arts, or need to learn a new kata for your next belt rank. Call 503-430-7355 to register. Hurry, space is limited! Only $35.00 for some of the best kobudo training you will find. It is recommended that you bring a water bottle and the tool (weapon) of your choice.
Village Gallery News
Artist of the month features Village Gallery artist Danlar. The paintings of Danlar have been described as “Organic Abstract” in that he captures the minute structures of nature, which gives his artwork a sense of depth. His paintings and photography illustrate his free and unorthodox philosophy of life.
The new show opens on August 4 and runs through September 5, 2009. The theme for the group show is “Recreation”. Come in to see what our local artists are showing. Other than wall art, the Village Gallery has a wide selection of original jewelry, pottery, yard art, cards and glass available for purchase.
Our hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday noon until 4 pm. We are located next to the Cedar Mill Library at 12505 NW Cornell Road. You may call with questions or to sign up for one of our many art classes at 503-644-8001. Visit our website at
Walk Now for Autism
Have you heard of Autism? Do you know anyone who is on the Spectrum or who has a child or family member on the Spectrum? Autism Speaks is hosting the first annual Walk Now for Autism on Saturday September 26, 2009 in the South Park Blocks of Downtown Portland. World of Smiles, Pediatric Dentistry is proudly fundraising for this great event with our own team. Integrative Pediatrics is also supporting their patients by fundraising through their own team..
Please help us raise money for Autism by forming a team, joining the World of Smiles or Integrative Pediatrics teams or making a donation. Learn more on our website:—click on Events and go to September. Local families with Autistic children appreciate your support!
Integrative Pediatrics news
L.E.A.N. Classes at Integrative Pediatrics
L.E.A.N. stands for Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition. Nurse Practitioner Wendy Ware and Jillisa Chen, RN, are offering this exciting new 6-session class for parents that will help to build a healthy lifestyle foundation for your children. It teaches the “Traffic Light” system of food choices, along with hands-on exercises for helping your family stay healthy.
The next class will begin on August 19, 2009 from 7-8 pm, and will continue for five consecutive Wednesday evenings. The cost of this class is $60, which covers all 6 sessions. If you would like to sign up to attend or wish more information, please contact our reception desk at 503-643-2100.
Meet Dr. Thomas!
This class will be held on the first Tuesday of each month from 7-8 pm. It will focus on getting to know Dr. Thomas and the philosophy of Integrative Pediatrics, LLC, including information about vaccines and integrative medicine. This class is free and open to the public. If you would like to attend, please register with our reception desk at 503.643.2100. (Drop-ins are welcome, also!)
Integrative Pediatrics is located in the Barnes Professional Center at 11790 SW Barnes Rd. Ste. 140.
Kay Bridges leads workshop
New CMBA member Kay Bridges, an Independent Nikken Wellness Consultant, delivered a speech and presentation at the Toastmasters Leadership Institute, July 18th at Wilsonville High School on leadersip training for new club officers. Newly installed Vice Presidents of Public Relations for the District were in attendance. Ideas for Marketing of their clubs and Public Relations techniques were discussed... including hints for writing Press Releases in a manner acceptable by their local newspapers.
Bridges says, “Toastmasters has been most valuable to me in practicing my listening skills. I thought I was joining to become a better speaker. I really needed to learn to listen and remember what I heard to be a better leader in my business. In Toastmasters we learn to evaluate a speech within minutes of the presentation, and offer constructive suggestions and then sum up with an overview of the best qualities of the speech.”
US Bank supports the community
Dog Days & DDA’s:
The Oregon Humane Society will be at US Bank for a dog adoption event. Come see some great dogs and find out about US Bank’s Checking account solutions for you and your business on Friday, August 14 from 1-5 pm. Michael McIntyre, Small Business Specialist at the bank, says, " We are also planning on having several local, pet-oriented businesses on hand for this event."
Then come back on Friday, August 21 between 10 am and 3 pm for an American Red Cross Blood Drive. To schedule an appointment to donate blood or for more information contact Mashell Smith at (503) 643-8365 or visit and enter sponsor code: usbankcm.
US Bank is located at the southeast corner of Cornell & Saltzman at 12550 NW Cornell Road. For more information about their Business Banking programs, contact Michael McIntyre, Small Business Specialist at 503-469-9457 or
Classic Car Cruise-In
On Saturday, August 15th, Cedar Mill Place (on the SW corner of Murray and Cornell) will be hosting a Classic Car Cruise-in, and an Oregon Food Bank drive. Bring a couple of cans of food to help low-income families and check out the collection of fine classic autos.
Raffles and drawings will be held throughout the day for a variety of prizes. Have lunch at one of the many great restaurants there, and drop off your business card at Westside Martial Arts for a chance to win a free-standing punching bag!! WMA’s Official Pace Vehicle will be on display as well.
Contact Johanna Gaglio at Tandem Properties at 503-279-9903 for more information.