Volume 7, Issue 8 | August 2009 |
Community Announcements
Morning Star Child Care at St. Pius X ParishMorning Star Child Care, Inc. in a cooperative effort with St. Pius X Parish, is proud to announce the opening of a new Preschool Program at the St. Pius X campus on September 8. Refurbished spaces in the parish Community Center will be the site for the AM and PM preschool serving 3, 4, and 5 (pre-k) year olds. School year schedules, from September through June and a summer program next August will be available. Morning Star Child Care is owned and operated by Rosemary Zoucha, who has been consulting, developing and operating programs in Washington and Multnomah counties for more than 30 years. Rosemary and a staff of well-trained Early Childhood educators will work with the preschool children at St. Pius X through age-appropriate practices and High/Scope Curriculum. In a safe and nurturing environment which fosters Christian values, the love of learning, and the confidence that comes from individual self-worth, Morning Star’s mission is to assist families by partnering with parents to provide the best of home and school environments for their children. Registration is open to the community, and is now being accepted for the fall AM and PM classes. Please call Morning Star at 503-297-9593 or email morningstar@zoobiz.com for more information and for registration forms. The community is invited to an Open House on August 23 from 10 am-1 pm. Please call the Parish office at 503-644-5264 or Morning Star for information. The staff looks forward to sharing their vision for excellence in preschool programming with you. St. Pius X Parish is located at 1280 NW Saltzman Road. Kids Chess Camp at Grange Hall August 17-21Kirk Hedlund announces the second session of Summer Chess Camp for kids age 6-12. Hedlund, who teaches chess at Cedar Mill Elementary during the school year, offered a session earlier this summer that was very popular. There are still openings for the second session, and previous attendance is not required. The focus of this camp will be on Openings. Hedlund says, “each morning I will introduce the kids to a new Opening, and we will explore the variations and strategy for each. Also we will continue to improve the tactical techniques learned during the school year. A five round tournament is also scheduled. The focus of the camp is fun and friendships. Sportsmanship is always emphasized.” The five-day camp will run from August 17-21 from 9 am to 3 pm, with early drop off at 8:30 am and late pick up at 4 pm if necessary. The tuition for the camp is $200. Kids should bring a lunch and snacks. Hedlund takes them to a nearby park for lunch, and offers frequent activity breaks through the day. Contact Kirk Hedlund for more information or to register at presto3113@yahoo.com New trail connects Cedar Mill Park and School to neighborhoods
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