What’s happening at…
The recent grading on the Barnes Road frontage has people asking about the planned commercial development. Matt Grady of Gramor Development, says, “we are working hard at securing an anchor tenant that will be appropriate for this town center location. The grading is taking place largely for the residential (see the February CM News for details), but also for the future commercial uses, which would be about a year away from construction.” We’ll let you know as soon as they have signed an anchor tenant. Gramor was selected by Polygon to handle all aspects of the commercial center development.
In 2003, Beaverton School District acquired the 18-acre plot in the middle of the former Teufel nursery through eminent domain (condemnation) which triggered the Teufel family’s sale of their property to Polygon. By Oregon law, public agencies are required to use condemned property for “public purpose” within ten years of the condemnation, or offer to sell it back to the former owner. BSD’s legal staff claims that the grading and street development that Polygon has done on and around the lot constitutes such use. But former owner Larry Teufel sounds like he is prepared to pursue his options, as reported in an article in the Oregonian August 3.
JQA Young House
The long-awaited boardwalk trail that will lead past Cedar Mill Falls and connect with the JQA Young House lot will begin construction this month. Polygon, the developer of the Timberland complex, is constructing this community amenity as part of their agreement with the Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District. They chose to donate park land and facilities and build the trail instead of paying the park district System Development Charges that would have resulted from their projects.

Architect Brian Jackson, who was hired by THPRD to study the needed foundation work on the house, submitted a “Construction Phasing Analysis” to the district in late June. This document outlines important cost impacts of the proposed foundation work. Discussions among the Friends of JQA Young House group and the district will take place over the next few months as we consider the best way to move forward with the renovation of the house and grounds.
County-owned lots in Cedar Mill
When the county made its 2009 improvements to the intersection of Cornell and Murray, it purchased the lot at the southeast corner. The land was contaminated with chemicals that had leaked from the dry-cleaning establishment and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has been monitoring the cleanup. Teresa Wilson, Real Property Management Specialist with the county, says it is “still undergoing remediation with DEQ oversight and will continue for another nine months or so.” Once it is cleared, it will first be offered for sale to local jurisdictions for public use, and if none is sought, it will be auctioned for commercial development.
She also notes that, “The project at Saltzman and Lovejoy (which the county purchased during the Saltzman widening project) is now complete and the property is now surplus. However, we are still waiting for the market to improve a little more before offering any of our surplus LUT properties for sale.” That 0.14-acre corner lot is zoned R-5 so it will probably be sold for a single-family residence.