Volume 15, Issue 8 | August 2017 |
Around and about
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Thurs., Aug 10, 6:30 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman
Neighbors on Lovejoy, in the Jesta Hills neighborhood, have been concerned since spring when they heard rumors that the land south of their homes would be sold for development. The area is zoned R9 (nine dwellings per acre) and will likely result in most or all of the trees being cut down and the land being regraded. Among the neighbors’ concerns are loss of wildlife, privacy, and possible flooding. Surrounding lots are zoned R6 but most of the homes are on larger lots, developed before current zoning was applied. They also worry that possible road connections will increase traffic on their streets.
A Neighborhood Meeting is among the first steps in Washington County’s development process. Notice is posted on the land and mailed to nearby residents. Anyone interested may attend, however. The developer presents their preliminary proposal to those in attendance, followed by questions and answers. The goal is “to inform and encourage citizen involvement early in the development process so that the resultant development application may be more responsive to neighborhood concerns, “ according to the county.
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Minutes of the meeting become part of the development application. County development staff looks at the issues brought up during the meeting, although developers are not required to address concerns outside county regulations.
Residents of the Cedar Mill condo complex, Westlake Village, were shocked to discover that their board of directors had voted to encumber the residents with a $6.4 million loan for renovations. Resident Barbara Guardino explains, “We had a choice whether to repay this loan over the next 15 years, at an increase in monthly HOA fees of up to $300; or each unit would be required to pay a lump sum of $25,000 to $39,000 by September.”
After a June 26 vote that seemed to be forced on the residents, some of them got together to investigate. There were questions about the legality of the action, and also whether it might be a self-serving move by a recently elected board member.
The residents hired an attorney. Ann Fisher issued a “Cease and Desist” letter on July 17, requiring a stop to any repair or construction efforts; a demand for records; a new Special Meeting; and for the board to offer alternative dispute resolution options. The consequences for not complying would legal action.
In late June, a Washington County Hearings Officer approved Touchmark’s “Modification to a Planned Development” for its 30-lot subdivision for seniors, to be built on Swede Hill near the intersection of Miller and Barnes. We described the modified proposal in the February issue.
On July 14, Attorney Dorothy Cofield filed a “Notice of Intent to Appeal” to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) on behalf of landowners adjacent to the proposed development. It’s unclear at this point what the issue is, but it is likely something to do with the proposed realignment of Mayway Drive. We’ll follow the issue and provide updates when we have more information.
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Washington County will build a new segment of sidewalk on the east side of Saltzman between NW Hartford and NW Creekview, beginning around September 1, with completion expected around Sept. 22. Some traffic impacts may be expected.
The project is funded as part of the 2016-2017 Urban Road Maintenance District (URMD) Safety Improvements program.
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Published monthly by Pioneer Marketing & Design
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
PO Box 91061
Portland, Oregon 97291
© 2017