Volume 16, Issue 8 | August 2018 |
August 2018 Community News
CPO 1—no August meetingCommunity Participation Organization 1 will be back on September 11. One potential topic will be a visit from representatives of Luke-Dorf Organization to talk about their programs working with homeless people. THPRD NewsDog Park Survey onlineTualatin Hills Park & Recreation District has been hearing from patrons about the need for more off-leash dog parks in the district. Keith Watson, Sports & Community Programs Manager, says, “At this point we are continuing with the information gathering process regarding dog parks. I've engaged the Parks & Facilities Advisory Committee and we hope to review survey results in the fall. The goal is to develop a recommendations and guidelines document for management review this winter.” Be sure that they hear from you about your concerns and expectations. The survey will be open throughout August. Join our Cedar Mill Dog Park Advocates Facebook group to discuss options with your neighbors. Stuhr Center Estate & Rummage SaleFriday, August 31 & Saturday, September 1, 8 am-4 pm, Elsie Stuhr Center, 5550 SW Hall Bl, Beaverton Come to shop, or bring items to donate by August 25. Our loyal Stuhr Center volunteers will spend weeks preparing, sorting, pricing and displaying the wonderful donations that we receive from our faithful supporters. The sale is the largest annual fundraiser we have at the Stuhr Center. The Elsie Stuhr Center is the district's only recreation center specifically dedicated to providing recreation, activities and social enrichment for adults 55 years and better. We invite guests to tour our facility, including our 2,436-square-foot fitness room, and learn about the numerous activities available. We offer general interest classes, trips and tours, drop-in activities, fitness, special events, socialization and support groups. Free fitness testing is available. Lunch by Meals on Wheels People is served daily. Thompson Submits Resignation From Board Of DirectorsHolly Thompson has submitted a letter of resignation from the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District Board of Directors. Thompson, a member of the board since July 2017, cited personal reasons for her decision. The board will accept the resignation at their August 7 meeting, which begins at 6 pm. The board will also discuss options for appointing a replacement to fill the vacancy. They may consider making their appointment as early as that same meeting. The appointee will serve until June 30, 2019. Prior to that, in May 2019, a public election will be held to determine who will serve the remainder of the open seat’s term, which is set to expire June 30, 2021. The board completed a similar appointment process this spring to fill a vacant director position with Wendy Kroger, a longtime THPRD volunteer. The board will determine what portion, if any, of this recent process will be utilized to make the present appointment. The other members of the THPRD Board besides Kroger are Ali Kavianian (president through June 2019), Felicita Monteblanco and John Griffiths. Cedar Mill Creek Flood Remediation Collaborative Project Team meetingsTuesday August 21, 1-4 pm, St Andrew Lutheran Church, 12405 SW Butner Road Wednesday September 19, 1-4 pm at St Andrew Lutheran Church Cedar Mill Creek and its tributary, North Johnson Creek, drain 5,300 acres from the West Hills into Beaverton Creek in the Tualatin Hills Nature Park. These creeks pass through our neighborhoods and parks, around businesses and under our roadways, before joining together at the intersection of Walker Road and Murray Boulevard in Beaverton. Project Team meetings are open to the public, and there is limited opportunity for comment. These meetings are primarily for the various partner agencies to share and review information. An Open House was held on August 1 to present information to the public and get feedback. Home Improvement Grants Available for Eligible VeteransWashington County and Willamette West Habitat for Humanity have each been awarded funds from the State of Oregon Veterans Home Improvement Grant Program to assist eligible veterans in making needed repairs to their homes. Grants of up to $10,000 are available to veterans who own their own home. The funds are available on a first come, first-served basis and subject to eligibility. The two programs in Washington County vary slightly. Details are available by calling the agencies directly. At this time, mobile homes are not covered under either program. Washington County's Veteran Home Improvement Program offers grants up to $10,000 for older veterans and/or veterans with disabilities who own and occupy their home, are in need of critical home repairs and whose income is at or below 50% of the Average Median Income (AMI). For information contact Sarah Branson at 503-846-8215 or email sarah_branson@co.washington.or.us. Willamette West Habitat for Humanity's Veteran Critical Home Repair Program offers assistance by covering up to 70% of repair costs while offering a 0% annual percentage rate (APR) loan for the balance. The program is designed for veterans who own and occupy their home and whose income is between 0-80% of AMI. For information contact Jacky Flores at 503-844-7606 ext. 104 or fill out an online request form at www.habitatwest.org/critical-home-repair. Restoring dignity to the heart of the soul
Saturday, August 11, 4-5:30 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Talk, Meditation, Ceremony, and Songs for the Soul. Tie the sacred thread and celebrate with us the spiritual significance of this ancient festival and its relevance for today. Special guest Sister Elizabeth, a meditation teacher and practitioner of Raja Yoga. Program Coordinator at the BK Anubhuti Meditation & Retreat Center in Novato, CA. She is also a gifted actor and singer, trained at the American Conservatory Theatre. She is currently touring with a one-woman performance and has just released a CD called Simple Ways. Please book by phone: 541-343-5252; online: https://bit.ly/2zSmTRc; or by email: portland@us.brahmakumaris.org This program is offered free of charge by the Brahma Kumaris, a non-profit organization This group is also offering a 2-day Raja Yoga Meditation Class. Saturday & Sunday, August 18-19, 11 am-3 pm, TVFR Station 65, 3425 SW 103rd Ave in Beaverton. Raja Yoga is a method of relaxing, refreshing, and clearing the mind and heart. It helps you look insde to rediscover and reconnect with your original, spiritual essence, thereby restoring a functional and healthy balance between your inner and outer worlds. Raja Yoga meditation does not involve chanting, devotion to a guru, physical postures or sitting cross-legged. For more information about the organization, visit brahmakumaris.org/us/Oregon. To register for the course, email Portland@us.brahmakumaris.org or call 541-343-5252. Library NewsMaking Czechoslovakian Beaded Jewelry (registration required)Friday, August 17, 6:30-7:45 pm, Cedar Mill Library Born and raised in the Czech Republic, Daniela Mahoney is passionate about instructing others in the traditional Czech and Slovak arts and crafts. In this workshop, Daniela teaches how to make jewelry with Czech beads. The class is free and open to adults and teens, ages 13+. Space is limited and registration is required. Stop by the adult reference desk or call 503 644-0043 ext. 114. Bethany Village Summer ConcertsAugust 9 & 23, Bethany Library Join the library for music, fun crafts and activities at the annual Bethany Village Summer Concert series. Stream movies with your library card!
Your WCCLS library card (Cedar Mill & Bethany Libraries are part of WCCLS) now gives you access to over 30,000 on-demand movies with Kanopy. You'll find indie hits, classic masterpieces, award-winning documentaries, the Great Courses, the Criterion Collection, high-quality children's programming, and more. You can watch up to 10 movies per month, and you have up to 3 days to watch each film. Kanopy is available on your computer, iOS, Android, Kindle Fire, Chromecast, and Roku. Learn more here: https://www.wccls.org/streaming-video. Art Gym moves to OCAC
Effective October 1, Oregon College of Art and Craft (OCAC) will be the new home of the storied Art Gym (TAG). With the closing of Marylhurst University, all Art Gym operations, collections, and upcoming exhibitions will move to the OCAC campus. Most importantly, the mission and intellectual property of TAG and its staff will move to OCAC to continue the long-standing commitment to artists in the region. To ensure the continuity of mission and purpose, The Art Gym staff will move to OCAC. OCAC’s Hoffman Gallery, named for Julia Hoffman, who, in 1907, founded the precursor of today’s Oregon College of Art and Craft, has a tradition of featuring the work of regional, national and international artists and makers, including special exhibits featuring students and faculty. On October 1, the Hoffman Gallery will become The Art Gym. After that date, all future exhibits will be held in the newly relocated Art Gym, and a full calendar of events will be posted at www.ocac.edu/galleries/ArtGym. The Art Gym is nationally recognized as a vehicle for the contemporary art practices of the Pacific Northwest. Its ambitious exhibitions by emerging and established artists have created the standard for culturally significant art in our region, primarily focused on (but not limited to) the makerships of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska. Our mission is to support a diverse group of artists working in thoughtful, experimental, and critically engaged ways through exhibitions, performances, publications and adaptable opportunities for public engagement. Viva Village August EventsFor Information or to RSVP where indicated, contact vivavillageevents@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. To see a complete list of August events, go to vivavillage.org: click on Calendar. Nature Walk: Fanno Creek Park (open to all)Saturday, August 4, 9:30 am. 7375 SW Bel-Aire, Beaverton. Women’s Coffee (open to all)1st and 3rd Tuesday August 7 and 21, 10 am. Solace and Fine Espresso, 4655 SW Griffith Dr. #160, Beaverton. Life Stories. (members and volunteers)Tuesday, August 14,1:30-3:30. Private home in the Vose Neighborhood (Beaverton). Listen to and share life stories. Get to know fellow Viva Village members and volunteers. For the address and to reserve your spot: RSVP: vivavillageevents@gmail.com or 503-746-5082. TED Talk and Potluck Lunch (members and volunteers)Thursday, August 16, 11-1, Private home in the Bethany area. View and discuss “What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study in happiness.” Thursday Night Social (open to all)Thursday, August 16, 6-8 pm. Antoni’s Restaurant, 10765 SW Canyon Road, Beaverton. Men’s Coffee Break.(open to all) Tuesday, August 28, 10-11am. Solace and Fine Espresso, 4655 SW Griffith Dr. #160, Beaverton. Folk dancing at Leedy Grange HallMondays, August 6 & 20,.7-9 pm, Leedy Grange Hall, 835 NW Saltzman Rd., $6 / $10 couple. Free for first timers. Join in for exercise and fun folk dancing at Leedy Grange with Sue & Friends. Enjoy Israeli and International dances with this friendly group. Summer is in full bloom, bring your tweens & teens. Everyone welcome, no experience or partner is necessary. For details please visit Portland Israeli Folk Dance News at www.sites.google.com/site/pifdnews, and for questions please email Sue at pifdnews@gmail.com. |
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