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Cedar Mill News
Volume 7, Issue 9


September 2009

Growing with the Cedar Mill Garden Club

hummingbirdRamona Wulzen of the Joy Creek Nursery will speak on “Hummingbirds and How to Attract Them to Our Yards” at the September 16th meeting of the Cedar Mill Garden Club. The club will meet at The Beaverton Resource Center, 12500 S.W. Allen Blvd (corner of Allen and Hall Blvd.) The group will assemble at 10:00 a.m. for a brief business meeting, followed by a social period and program to begin at 11 a.m.

Ms Wulzen has gardened both on a city lot and on three acres in the woods. She has also listened long and hard to the problems and solutions of other gardeners, and is currently employed in the landscaping department of the Joy Creek Nursery.

We are a friendly group and invite any interested gardeners to attend. For more information about The Cedar Mill Garden Club, please contact president Barbara Cushman, 503-649-7741 or plant sale chair, Pat Still 503-297-2178

The Cedar Mill Garden Club programs for the year will include knowledgeable speakers on various gardening topics, with at least one hands-on program such as wreath-making. A brief business meeting including short presentations on horticulture and wildlife precedes the program. A social period with hearty snacks follows. The club holds an annual Christmas luncheon and a July picnic. Field trips to local gardens and nurseries and a plant exchange are being planned.

The club holds an Annual Spring Plant Sale which benefits various botanical gardens, public programs on gardening, the Cedar Mill Library, the SOLV Shute Road daffodil project, the Cedar Mill Library; the Historic John Quincy Adams Young House Foundation. and the Pioneer District Scholarship Fund.




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Published monthly by Cedar Mill Advertising & Design
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
PO Box 91061
Portland, Oregon 97291