September Business News
CMBA September program
Thinking about growing your business? Wondering what it will take to stay profitable now and in the years ahead? Whether you’re pursuing new markets or improving operational efficiencies, sustaining growth is fundamental to success. Join the CMBA at its September 11 meeting to hear from Jon-Michael, a Business Advisor at the PCC Oregon Small Business Development Center (SBDC).
Their aim is to provide educational services for small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs. His position allows him to contribute to the Washington County business community. Before this Jon-Michael spent nearly five years working for the Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce, helping small businesses start and grow, most recently as Vice President of Business Development. Visit for information and resources.
The Cedar Mill Business Association meets on the second Tuesday of each month, 11:45-1 pm at the Cedar Mill Bible Church chapel. Non-members are welcome to attend a couple of meetings for free. Visit for more information.
New owners at yogurt and gelato shop
It’s a family affair at Pip’s Frozen Yogurt and Gelato shop in the west end of the Safeway shopping center. Patrick Kervin will be managing the shop, with the help of his mother, Karen, who is handling the marketing, and his father Tom who is helping out with operations.
Eventually, they are planning to add another frozen yogurt machine to expand their offerings. They have already added an ice cream freezer for quicker take-out orders. They also plan to update the interior, working with a designer for a fresh look.
New hours are 11 am to 10 pm daily, plus extended hours after all Sunset High home football games. Stop in and meet this friendly family and get some outstanding YoCream Frozen Yogurt with great toppings, Gelato Classico gelato, along with excellent coffee drinks using Longbottom’s locally roasted beans. Learn more at and find them on Facebook.
CMBA flower basket fundraising
Downtown Enhancements committee member Dean Shade says, “Huge thanks to Bales Thriftway for their donation of food and facilities for our bbq fundraiser on August 25. Donations from the benefit totaled $432 plus an additional $200 from Piggyback Plus.”
Donations ranging from $25-$2400 have been received from these area businesses, bringing the total received to over $7000: Kumon, Sunset Athletic Club, Dean Shade Law, Impact Sign, Robert Gill Appraiser, Cedar Mill Bible Church, Cedar Mill Community Library, Randall Freed Dental, Pet Barn, The UPS Store, Bales/Findley Property Management, Beighley Landscape Design, and Santosha Yoga.
Projected costs for the baskets and their maintenance is just under $8000, so if you’d like to contribute, download the donation form at
UPS Store ships gifts and Care Packages
Do you know a college student heading to a new place? How about a co-worker or employee, service member, or a loved one in a distant location—brighten their day with a customized gift carefully packed to arrive in good condition by our experts.
We will happily assist you with printing and shipping a special gift as a token of your love and appreciation. We print and bind calendars, photo collages, and memory books. We can also assist you with creating a photo mug, keepsake box, or photo book.
The UPS Store is located at 10940 SW Barnes Rd and has convenient hours: M-F 9 am-7 pm and 9 am-5 pm Saturday. For additional information, visit or call 503-646-9999.
Free Yoga Practice
During the week of September 4, Sunset Yoga will offer the following classes free to new students.
Gentle Yoga—September 4 (12:30 pm), 6 (11:30 am), 9 (noon).
Level 1—September 5 (noon and 5:45 pm), 6 (9:30 am), 8 (9:15 am), 10 (9:30 am and 7:30 pm).
Backcare—September 8 (8:30 am).
Sunset Yoga Center is happy to welcome back teacher Julie Burtis. Julie is now a physical therapist and will be teaching a new class called “Foundations of Core Stability.” In this class, students will learn to integrate efficient breathing with a progressive program to strengthen the hips, back, and abdominal muscles. Class size will be limited in order to address individual needs. Written instructions for home practice will be provided. This class is designed to be beneficial for students of all levels, including participants in the back care and gentle classes. Students are required to purchase an exercise ball for both class use and home practice.
Classes will be offered Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm and Friday at noon. The first week of classes will be the week of September 4 and the course will run for eight weeks. Preregistration is necessary. Visit for more information.
New staff at Westside Music
Westside Music School is excited to welcome new teacher Collette Fallon, who joins the highly qualified, experienced and talented teaching staff offering group piano, early childhood music classes, guitar, violin, and voice lessons.
They welcome Michelle Steed and Mary Pittman to our front desk staff, to assist our customers, students, parents, and staff.
Westside Music School is located at 1800 NW 167th Place, Suite 110, just south of Cornell west of Highway 26. Visit their website at for class schedules and more information.
Record-breaking day at Second Edition
It was a record-setting day on Monday, August 20, when Second Edition wrapped up the first day of sales after the shop was completely emptied and then filled to the brim with a fresh selection of fall clothes, shoes, jewelry and accessories, toys, furniture and household items.
Before noon, customers were anxiously lined up at the door and peering in the windows for a sneak peek. They’d made it a point to be at Second Edition when the doors opened at noon to get the first crack at the fall merchandise in the shop.
The daily total was $3,387 which surpasses all daily sales records. Second Edition is the community’s upscale resale shop—all proceeds benefit the Cedar Mill Library Association. The store is located on the east end of the library, near the corner of Cornell and Saltzman.
Sunset Credit Union has an app for that
If you like to keep track of your accounts and make transactions on the go, your very-local Credit Union offers apps for Android Smart Phone, iPhone & iPad, and Kindle Fire. Simply download your preferred App and you'll be able to see your account balances, transfer funds, pay bills and even find the nearest ATM wherever you are. These secure Apps give you Sunset Credit Union at the tip of your fingers. For more information, visit us on the web at or stop in at our office, 1100 NW Murray across from McD’s. Anyone who lives and/or works in Cedar Mill, and their families, is eligible to join.
Tazza Café now serving sushi!
Our neighborhood coffee stop and café, tucked away at the small center at Saltzman and Thompson, is now serving fresh-made sushi for late lunch or dinner (3 pm to close). Varieties include Veggie Roll (Futomaki), California Roll, Cucumber Roll (Kappa), and Tofu Rice Pockets (Inari).
Owner Saeed Rad invites you to order ahead online at their website,, or call 503-533-9099 so your food is ready for pickup for a quick dinner option. Or bring the family to this kid-friendly location at 4062 NW Saltzman.
End-of-Summer bounty at Farmers Market
Just because school has started, summer isn’t over at the Market! Local farmers are harvesting bushels of goodness including peaches, TOMATOES!!, both winter & summer squash, and keepers like onions and potatoes to use now or stash in a cool place for later in the year. Salad fixings include greens and cukes to go along with those TOMATOES!
The Market is sponsored by THPRD and takes place every Saturday, 8 am-1:30, in the parking lot in front of the Safeway shopping center west of Murray on Cornell.
Peregrin provides State Fair cash
The cash you withdrew from an ATM at the recent Oregon State Fair was provided by Peregrin Financial Technologies, a Cedar Mill business. There were 23 ATMs at the Fair, at locations ranging from the multiple front gates to the Food Courts to the Beer Gardens to the Show Horse Pavilion.
In the 11 days of the Fair these 23 ATMs dispensed over $800,000 dollars, a nice increase from last year’s fair. Most these cash withdrawals ended up at the dozens of concessions, rides and eateries, but the Oregon State Fair itself also befitted, receiving a portion of the consumer convenience fees.
Sam Bosch, President of Peregrin, says that nowadays, most events from music concerts to art shows have one or more ATMs at the event in order for their attendees to have easy access to the cash in their bank accounts. For more information about Peregrin, visit or call 1-800-925-3266.
Village Gallery News
The featured artist for September is Laurie Svec. She is a member of Oregon Watercolor Association, Village Gallery of Arts, Oregon Watercolor Society, and King City Art Club. She has shown in many venues in the Metro area, and she is looking forward to Washington County Open Studios in October 2012. Watercolor is Laurie’s favorite medium, but she also enjoys photography, fine crafts, and mixed media, including fabric and card art. Laurie will be having an artist reception on Sunday, September 16 from 1-4 pm at the Village Gallery of Arts. Everyone is invited to attend.
Danny Rodriguez’s Turkish Marbling on Paper workshop on Saturday, September 22 from 10 am to 2 pm is your chance to learn the techniques of marbling on paper, allowing you to produce traditional patterns, or create individual expressions.
Join Linda Rothchild Ollis’s Acrylics for Brilliant Transparent Paintings class on Mondays, September 10, 17, and 24 from 9:30 to noon. Use fluid acrylic paints to create traditional, realistic subject matter, which will include skies, clouds, trees, rock textures, landscapes, still life and more. Learn how to create transparent layers with depth and brilliance in Golden Fluid Acrylics. Create paintings that require no glass or frame.
The Gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10-4; Sunday noon-4 and closed on Mondays. The gallery is next to the Cedar Mill Library at 12505 NW Cornell Rd. Call 503-644-8001 or stop by to register for classes.
Turn your sad drains into Lucky Drains
After 14 years in the industry, new business owner Goran Zelen has opened Lucky Drain, which offers drain cleaning and maintenance services. He operates his business from a location just south of Cedar Mill, but serves customers in all parts of the Portland Metro area.
Goran's strong point as a business owner is his philosophy of doing right by the customer—he takes pride in being honest and fair in pricing and offering a solution to drain and plumbing issues. While Lucky Drain is mainly a sewer video inspection and cleaning service, Goran has close, long-term working relationships with several plumbers and can tap into their services if the job requires it.
Keep Lucky Drain's contact info handy all year round, but especially as we head into fall and winter with rainy weather and a higher occurrence of drain issues. Lucky Drain also offers a discount to seniors and veterans. Contact Lucky Drain at 503-707-0992 or go to
Ballroom Aerobics
A new set of ballroom aerobics and dance classes Incorporating exciting Latin rhythms from the ballroom dance floor is coming to Leedy Grange. These classes will fuse Cha-cha, Rumba, Samba and Mambo with the smooth and dramatic flair of Tango, Foxtrot, and Waltz. They will jazz it up with a little bit of Swing and then throw in a little bit of Broadway just for fun. Whether you are a dancer already or just always dreamed of being one, this class is for anyone who loves to dance.
Ballroom Aerobics, along with other Swing and Ballroom classes are being scheduled at the Leedy Grange starting in September. And don’t forget the bi-monthly Community Dances every second and fourth Friday. For information and schedule, call Cynthia Parent at 971-226-1119 or go to
Virtue of the Month: Service
Using our gifts to be of service is the fullest expression of our lives. Each day, we find a multitude of ways to be useful. Whatever we may achieve, the quality of our own life comes from the quality of our contribution... A spirit of service invests whatever we do with excellence. We give our very best effort. People who want to be of service can change the world.
Affirmation: I am thankful for the gift of Service. It makes my life a prayer. From Virtues Reflection Cards, written by Linda Kavelin Popov.
Please see/share highlights of our summer virtues Camp at
CM Chiropractic Clinic—new hours, new baby
Cedar Mill Chiropractic Clinic has changed their hours to Monday through Thursday 8:30 am- 6 pm. Also, Dr. McCabe will be out on maternity leave starting at the end of September. Dr. Avolio will be covering Dr. McCabe's patients until she returns.
Cedar Mill Chiropractic Clinic provides chiropractic services, massage therapy, exercise programs, and nutritional consultations. We are in-network providers for Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Kaiser Permanente. We are able to see patients using out-of-network benefits for most other major medical plans. We can provide care to those injured in on-the-job injuries and motor vehicle accidents through their workers compensation coverage and personal injury protection through their auto insurance policies. Please call 503-646-3393 if you'd like to schedule with Dr. McCabe before she has her new baby!
Global Mala
Santosha Yoga will again host a Global Mala for Peace during the Fall Equinox, Sunday, September 23, 9-11 am at the Bethany Village Fountain in Bethany Village. Yoga teachers from our area's yoga studios will be volunteering to lead our community in 108 sun salutations (or as many as one can do). Anyone can join in. Donations will be accepted to help support the Water Project, an organization working to ensure the availability of water to people in countries who need better access to it. Advance registration of $25 is advised if you would like a Global Mala Shirt, but is not required. Call Katy or Dina at 503-372-9825 for more information and/or to register in advance.
Oregon College of Art and Craft Registration Discount
Every term, Oregon College of Art and Craft offers an early registration discount of $30 off all public art classes and workshops. The fall 2012 deadline for the discount is Monday, September 10, 2012.
For additional information about OCAC's Studio School program or Jordan Schnitzer Family Art Adventures Program for YOUTH please contact: or visit