Volume 15, Issue 9 | September 2017 |
Cedar Mill Heritage Celebration coming in NovemberFri-Sun., Nov. 10-12, 12505 NW Cornell The Cedar Mill Historical Society is gearing up for our first major event! From November 10-12, an exhibit of Cedar Mill history photos and artifacts will be on display in the Milltowner I center at the corner of Saltzman and Cornell. The event will kick off on Friday, November 10, with a preview tour of the exhibit and a fundraising dinner. The exhibit will be open Saturday and Sunday, and will remain in place until Spring 2018 for school and other group tours and occasional openings.
We have a wonderful collection of photos of early Cedar Mill, and we have a few artifacts that have been donated over the years, but we are looking for more of both. Do you have things rattling around in your drawers, attics, and closets that can help us capture the past? “Artifacts” can be anything that helps people understand what Cedar Mill was like from the earliest pioneer days through 1967 (50 years ago). Even so-called ephemera: advertising posters or promotional items, newspaper clippings, schoolbooks and records, family histories? We are also looking for items and equipment used in households, schools, farms and forests, and businesses in the area. If your family was here in those times, ask them if they have items they can share. Photos and other images should show people and businesses with recognizable Cedar Mill locations, or people who were involved in building the community.
Items can either be donated to CMHS or loaned. Photos can be scanned and returned, or the originals can be added to our collection. After the exhibit, we have a safe storage place for them while we wait for the Milltowner Center to be redeveloped, when we’ll establish a permanent Heritage Center. In addition, we are looking for volunteers to help with organizing and presenting the event. Right now we’re looking for people to help with several committees: publicity; fundraising (collecting donations for the auction and the dinner); accepting and cataloguing donated items; preparing the space and preparing items and photos for the exhibit; and volunteer management. Closer to the date we’ll need help installing the exhibit, and we’ll need a team for the fundraising dinner and to welcome visitors and guide them around the exhibit. We’re meeting on Friday, September 8, 10 am, for another planning meeting at the Cedar Mill News office. Attend if you can, or just let us know if you will have time to volunteer, or photos or items to include in the exhibit. Contact us at cedarmillhistory@gmail.com or call 503-803-1813 with questions, suggestions, and to volunteer. |
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