“And We Bike” campaign raises awareness
This past June, Tim O’Donnell, 66, was stuck and killed by a careless
motorist while riding his bike with a group of friends on a rural road in
Washington County near Cornelius. This tragedy brought increased attention
to the safety of cyclists using Washington County roads. Tim’s wife,
Mary, established a memorial fund to address this problem.
The Washington County Bicycle Transportation (WashCo
BTC) in partnership with the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) of Portland
announced the “And
We Bike” Campaign aimed at raising awareness that the bicyclists they
see are moms, dads, friends, neighbors and co-workers. In fact they
could be yours!
The campaign consists of three major elements and will continue until November
1st when daylight saving time ends. Life-sized cutouts, like the one pictured
here, are being placed in business, government and community lobbies with
hand outs listing tips on how motorists can more safely interact with bicyclists,
and what to expect from them.
“Burma Shave” events will feature five or more volunteers with
their bikes standing alongside varying roadway intersections. Spaced about
50 feet apart, each holds a sign with a word on it like Mom, Dad, Friend,
and Neighbor. The last person in line holds one that reads, “And We
In addition, coalition members are attending CPO,
NAC, City Council and County Commission meetings to present the message,
encouraging leaders to bring this message to their constituency. Our goal
is for motorists and bicyclists to “Share the Road” safely and with a greater understanding by
motorists of how bicycles operate on the county’s roads. More information
is available at www.andwebike.com.