A publication of the Cedar
Mill Business Association |
Volume 4 Issue 1 | January
What’s Happening to the Library Building?Contractors have been working on the shell of the library to correct some drainage problems and to deter damage from birds. Red shafted flickers have been making many nests near the roof line. One bird even broke through the wall and flew inside. Plywood and foam facings are now being replaced with concrete board. The project is being handled by the contractor and landlord at no expense to the library. Senator Wyden Town HallCome join U.S. Senator Ron Wyden on Sunday, January 8, 2006 from 1:00-2:30 pm at a Washington County Town Hall Meeting, Hillsboro Civic Center, Room 113, 150 East Main Street. No speeches!! We welcome your questions and concerns. For more information contact Lupita Maurer, (503)-326-7525 Medicare Part D Information at the Cedar Mill Community LibraryCedar Mill Community Library is partnering with SHIBA (Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance Program) to provide information on Medicare Part D, the new prescription drug coverage recently added to Medicare. In the weeks following the January 28th program, SHIBA will be providing information and volunteer assistance at the library during the initial enrollment period ending on May 15, 2006. Contact the library in February for dates and times, 503-644-0043 X114. More information about the organization is available at www.oregon.gov/DCBS/SHIBA/index.shtml. To speak directly with a SHIBA volunteer in Washington County call 503-615-4696. Land Use 101 Series slated at TVCTVEver wondered about local land-use planning and how it works? What’s being done to make sure our communities are livable – now and in the future? What you can do to make a difference? Washington County’s Department of Land Use and Transportation and Oregon State University Extension’s Citizen Participation Organizations (CPOs) are offering a six-part citizen education seminar on basic land use issues at TVC-TV the third Wednesday evening of each month from January through June 2006. The series will be free to the first 20 people who sign up to be in the studio audience. Presenters will be county and city staff people along with a Metro Commissioner, a county Planning Commissioner, and a CPO leader. The sessions will be offered Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm at TVC-TV Studio A, Arts and Communication Academy, 11375 SW Center St., Beaverton. The dates are:
“Post graduate” tours will also be arranged. To sign up to attend some or all of the sessions, call or email Joann Hoffman at 503-846-3823, Joann_Hoffman@co.washington.or.us Help provide green spaces for the regionAudubon Society of Portland is looking for volunteers interested and willing to dedicate time and energy to pass the Metro Regional Greenspaces Bond Measure between now and November 2006 (For more info see: www.urbanfauna.org). There are a variety of ways you can get involved and bring your ideas and energy to shape the campaign. Please mark your calendars for February 12. We’ll have a brief update on the status of the proposed Bond Measure. Please come to the special volunteer orientation rescheduled for 6:30-8:30 Sunday February 12 at Heron Hall (5151 NW Cornell Rd). Senator Ringo Hosts Town Halls
“These town halls are an excellent way for community members to express their concerns and voice their opinions to me, aside from the e-mails, letters, and phone calls that my office addresses each day,” said Ringo, “I really enjoy hearing from people.” Ringo hosts town hall events every few months and he encourages community members to contact him. The Jan. 12 town hall will be a senior issues forum where prescription drug plans and affordable health care are the main topics of discussion. Cindy Becker of Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) will be there to discuss the new Medicare prescription drug plan and Maribeth Healey of Oregonians for Health Security will discuss enrollment in Oregon’s new prescription drug pool. All residents are invited to attend and encouraged to participate
in any or all of the town halls. If you have any questions, please
contact Senator Ringo’s office at 503.469.9552.
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The Cedar Mill News Cedar Mill Business Association Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce |