
Cedar Mill
Community Website

Cedar Mill News
Volume 6, Issue 11


November 2008

Saltzman Road Project update

Saltzman detail
Detail of south end of Saltzman Road Project plan. Click to enlarge

The plan to widen Saltzman road to three lanes—one travel lane in each direction and a center turn lane for the stretch from Cornell to Bauer Woods Drive—is progressing on schedule. The only major change to the plan is that the stoplight and crosswalk that the public asked for last summer will be included in the project.

Washington County Land Use and Transportation (LUT) Project Manager Matt Costigan says, “We are currently working with representatives of Bales-Findley Property Management (owners of the Thriftway, Milltowner and library property) to identify right-of-way impacts and other specifics. Bales-Findley is proposing to modify their entrance on Saltzman to Thriftway by making this a right-in/right-out driveway only. Vehicles exiting Thriftway wanting to go north on Saltzman would exit via a new driveway on Dogwood.”

The existing median on Saltzman will be lengthened to prevent people from turning left into the Thriftway lot from Saltzman northbound. Northbound travelers will be able to enter the lot via the new driveway off Dogwood that was constructed west of the store (just past the apartments on the left side of the street).

lanesCostigan continues, “The project is scheduled to continue with design and right-of-way acquisition through spring of next year, and we will advertise for bids and go to construction in early summer 2009. We are still working on identifying construction staging, utility relocations, etc.” Construction is anticipated to last through fall 2010.

Current project plans will be presented at a public open house on December 4 at St. Pius X (see sidebar).

Utilities will be put underground from Cornell to just north of the library. The county is working with PGE and other providers to identify their needs and incorporate their requirements into the project, but they have agreed in principle with the undergrounding which will eliminate utility poles in the sidewalk. This will be especially important for pedestrians since sidewalks on Saltzman in that area will only be five feet wide, to avoid further impact on the Leedy Grange building, Milltowner Center and the 7-11 area.

Proposed lighting for the area consists of dark-sky-friendly flat-lens “cobra-head” fixtures. The decorative (Acorn) style lighting required within the limits of the Town Center will be included in future projects when development occurs, but they will also be the modified style that doesn’t emit glare. (See Dark Sky article, page 5)

Saltzman draft design Phase I, click to enlarge

The existing driveway off Saltzman into the Milltowner center (northeast corner of Saltzman/Cornell) just past Cornell will be closed. The only entrance into that center from Saltzman will be the one opposite Dogwood, where the new stoplight will go. Dogwood and the shopping center driveway will be realigned slightly so they match up. Future development is expected to extend Dogwood eastward to 123rd.

Costigan says that the addition of the stoplight to the project should not exceed the project budget. “The scope keeps getting bigger but the budget does not. At this time, we are still within our construction estimate for the project but don’t have much wiggle room,” he says. Bales-Findley Property Management will provide funding for the work on their property and dedicate all necessary right-of-way and easements.

Acquisition of the necessary land to do these improvements is proceeding on schedule, with only one house slated for removal at the corner of Lovejoy and Saltzman. Approximately 91 trees will be removed for the project, but around 150 new trees will be planted as part of the landscaping for the project.

Visit the project website at www.deainc.com/saltzmanroad for more information.




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Published monthly by Cedar Mill Advertising & Design
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
12110 NW West Rd
Portland, OR 97229