Volume 4, Issue 12 | December
Scouts send snacks to Iraq troops
As part of their service project, the Dragons Patrol from Boy Scout Troop 208 of Cedar Mill decided to collect specific food donations from Safeway store customers and work with the Coalition of Troop Support organization (www.cotsupport.org) to bundle the collected food items into holiday gift packages for our U.S. troops in Iraq. After creating three large signs and 400 flyers with list of items to buy (e.g. beef jerky, cookies, fruit roll-ups, etc.), the Dragons Patrol spent six hours on November 3rd and 4th passing out flyers and collected 60 bags of food and over $40 in cash donations from caring customers. In addition, the scouts and their friends wrote holiday and Christmas cards with greetings and words of encouragement for the troops. Matthew Shinseki, the Patrol Leader for the Dragons, coordinated
the planning for this service project: “The customers at Safeway were very
charitable. I am very grateful that the troops in Iraq will know that the
people back home support them,” he said. The Dragons Patrol belongs
to Boy Scout Troop 208, a large and very active troop with close to
3,000 community service hours in 2006 alone.
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