Volume 6, Issue 12 | December 2008 |
CMBA Meeting NotesAt our November meeting, Alan Levine, Certified Public Accountant, shared valuable information about preparing for 2008 taxes and planning for 2009, including information about flexible spending accounts and health savings accounts for this year. He distributed a handout with many specific actions you can take now to decrease your taxes and increase legal deductions. Michael McIntyre, Small Business Specialist at US Bank, was our “Ten Minutes of Fame” presenter, and he explained how he can work with businesses to help them get the financial support they need in these times of tight credit. January's “Ten Minutes” presenter will be Beth Giles of NW Organizing Solutions. What a good topic to start off the new year! ![]() For our December meetings, we traditionally take a break from our regular business-oriented programs, and just relax and have a good time networking and eating. This year we have a special treat with a lunch catered by our own Tilly’s Gelato & More. They’ll be providing their popular Tomato Gorgonzola soup, chili, turkey and ham sandwiches, potato salad and dessert and it’s all free for members and guests. A representative from the Domestic Violence Resource Center will be joining us to accept donations to this unique and essential program (see article page 4). She’ll have receipts that will make it easy for you to top up your allowable donations for 2008 in anticipation of tax season! Dues for 2009 are going up from $70/year to $85, but if you renew your membership before or at the December 9 Holiday Social meeting, you can still get the old rate. Bring a check to the meeting, or you can renew with your credit card online via PayPal at cedarmill.org/CMBA. [Note: there’s a $2.40 surcharge to cover the PayPal cost.] If you need an invoice for your membership dues, contact CMBA Administrator Virginia Bruce, 503-629-5799 or email me So plan to join us on Tuesday, December 9 from 11:45-1 pm, and don’t forget your checkbook!
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