Santa Party—a new tradition at the Grange Hall
Kids and their parents and grandparents are invited to the Leedy Grange in Cedar Mill on December 6, 2008 from 1-4 pm for a Santa Party. Kick off the holiday season with children’s craft activities including making wrapping paper and greeting cards and decorating cookies to take home.
Visit with Santa and help decorate our Giving Tree by making a small donation that will help Beaverton School District’s homeless students have a happy holiday. Santa’s Tall Elf will help kids place an ornament for each donation, no matter how small. Yes, Santa takes pennies! Parents are encouraged to bring along their own camera for a photo, if desired.
Entertainment will include a performance by The Harmony School of their “Nuts & Crackers” holiday show, and later a singalong of holiday songs with piano accompaniment by local musician Mary Connors.
Hot chocolate and spiced cider will be “on tap” and there will also be a Holiday Bazaar table of gifts and decorations for sale to benefit the Grange.
Bring along a packaged food donation to put into the Food Bank barrel, or just donate cash. Each craft activity will have a suggested donation for a local charity, but nobody will be turned away.
The event is sponsored by Cedar Mill’s Leedy Grange #339 as part of their ongoing effort to bring fun and community back into the hall. Thanks to Bales Thriftway for cookies and decorations, and to the Sunset High Key Club for helping with kids activities.
The Grange Hall is located at 835 NW Saltzman, next to the Saltzman Road entrance to Bales Thriftway shopping center. Plenty of free parking is available. Contact Virginia Bruce, 503-629-5799 or for more information, or visit the website at