Volume 6, Issue 2 | February 2008 |
CMBA Member News
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Last year’s People’s Choice award winner in the adult category was "Peace-ing It Together," fused glass by Bill Zuelke. The artist said, “Building Peace requires all the pieces being put together, all people, all ages, all resources, all hope, all justice. Everyone of us must work for peace.” |
Enter the 2008 Search For Peace Art Exhibit to be held March 8-9 at St. Pius X. The Search For Peace welcomes any original artwork relating to peace and non-violence, by artists of all ages. Artists are welcome to enter the free exhibit, and enjoy the opportunity to sell their work with no commission taken.
The exhibit theme is “We Search For Peace in our Hearts, Peace in our Families, Peace in the World.” We encourage parents and teachers to talk with their children and students about peace and nonviolence, and to create related art works.
Everyone is a winner in the Search For Peace! Engraved Peace Medals, ribbons, and many other prizes will be awarded for each of the four age divisions. For entry forms and more information, and to see art works from last year’s exhibit go to www.SearchForPeaceArt.org or call 503 646-5449. Entries must be received by February 26, 2008.
Saturday, March 8, Public Opening and Artist Reception 6:30-8:30 pm; Sunday, March 9, Public Exhibit 8:30 am to 3 pm in the St. Pius X Community Center, 1280 NW Saltzman Rd.
The February Group Show will feature artist David Hooten, an accomplished amateur photographer and professional print maker who applies his foundational skills in pastel and watercolor to his unique digital darkroom techniques. He says, “It is my sincere pleasure to share the perspective of my mind’s eye brushed into the fibers of digital embroidery.” The all-media show opens February 5 and ends March 2. The gallery is open Tuesday-Saturday 10-4 and Sunday noon-4. Bring your whole family and see what our local artists have been up to.
The Village Gallery also offers a wide assortment of classes for artists of all ages and abilities. February offerings include several different watercolor classes, childrens’ art classes, and craft workshops. For more information, visit the website at villagegalleryarts.org or call 503-644-8001.
This is the time of year to restore your family heirlooms and here is a super reason to do it now! A first-time great offer from Sandy Sahagian portraiture on her award-winning restoration process, the best in the west!
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Cedar Mill Business Association
Published monthly by Cedar Mill Advertising & Design
Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
12110 NW West Rd
Portland, OR 97229