A publication of the Cedar Mill Business Association

Cedar Mill
Community Website

Cedar Mill News
Volume 4, Issue 3


March 2006
Creeping ivy overtook the drinking fountain and much of the woods before we started work

Cedar Mill Park Restoration Projects

Calling all Scout groups, kids looking for volunteer opportunities, and people who love parks and natural habitats! This is the second year of work in Cedar Mill Park and our efforts are paying off. We worked hard last year to clear ivy. We planted natives in one area of the park last fall and it looks like everything has survived the winter.

Invasive non-native species like holly and ivy block out the light and cover the ground, choking out all competition. By clearing these invaders, we allow the park’s remarkable variety of natives to recover and thrive.

In May, we’ll be able to get rid of any ivy that escaped our attention last year. We’ll also have those wonderful weed wrenches that make it so easy to pull out holly and blackberry plants by the roots. Again in June, we’ll pull holly and do some general cleanup to get ready for the park concert on August 1.


Community members work to clear the ivy and holly

Cedar Mill Park, 9am to Noon, Saturday, May 6, 2006
Join us as we celebrate No Ivy Day by removing invasive English ivy and holly from the natural areas of the park. Please bring your own heavy-duty work gloves, if possible. Refreshments will be provided.

Cedar Mill Park, 9am to Noon, Saturday, June 3, 2006
Join us as we remove invasive holly from the natural areas of Cedar Mill Park. Please bring your own heavy-duty work gloves, if possible. Refreshments will be provided.

The park is located behind the Cedar Mill Elementary School at NW Cornell and 103rd Ave. Please park in the lower lot of the school and meet at the picnic tables.

To register, call Melissa Higgins at 503-629-6305 x2953 or email to mhiggins@thprd.com.



Oregon Grape (mahonia nervosa) is thriving after planting late last fall



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The Cedar Mill News
Published monthly by the Cedar Mill Business Association, Inc.,
P.O. Box 91177
Portland, OR 97291-0177

Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce
12110 NW West Rd
Portland, OR 97229