A publication of the Cedar
Mill Business Association |
Volume 4, Issue 3 | March
Friends of CPO 1 on the web In
an effort to deal with these issues, and to support all the interests
and concerns of CPO 1 residents (Cedar Hills and Cedar Mill), www.CPO1Friends.org has been created. This website is specific to CPO 1 activities
and is maintained by the CPO 1 Steering Committee. The Oregon State Extension
Service very capably administers the CPO program, but they do not contribute
to hosting or maintaining this website. • Transportation, If you are interested in these subjects or anything else that’s happening in CPO 1, visit the website and sign in to join the discussion. (And check out www.CPO7Friends.org, our sister CPO’s website.) We would be happy
to answer any more detailed technical questions on CPO1Friends.org. The
software packages we used could be supported under any hosting service enabling
the “LAMP” platform
(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). Thanks to these free software providers: • Content management: Joomla software - www.joomla.org Many thanks to John Tornblad for the majority of the work creating the site. His collaborators were Virginia Bruce and Bruce Bartlett.
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The Cedar Mill News Cedar Mill Business Association Publisher/Editor:Virginia Bruce |